11- An encounter

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The sun was slipping under the sea, coating the world in hues of orange and amber. Your hair was drying in the tepid evening air, still damp with salty sea water. At some point, you had been splashing in the water and tripped, falling face-first into the blue. Bruno had laughed as he hauled you up, making sure you were alright. The taste of salt still lingered on your lips, but you were perfectly ok with that. Your feet were still bare on the sun-baked paths, and Bruno accompanied you silently. 

The world was still for once. The shops were closed and the night life had not yet begun. Everyone was inside, and you were alone with Bruno. As the night grew colder, you strayed into the middle of the road, letting the street surround you, letting the buildings loom from either side. In the middle of the deserted road, you felt as if the world was yours. You were happy. It had been years since you could confidently say that.

Bruno didn't speak, he seemed tired, ready to sleep the night away. But you were eager, basking in this foreign joy. Sleep could make it go away, and you never wanted that. You would stay awake forever if it meant being awake in a state such as this one. Why wasn't the world always like this? Warm and golden, beautiful and magical. When you met eyes with Bruno, he was glowing in this golden dusk, like the heavens were pouring down on him and gracing him with life. You reached for his hand and held it tight- you wanted him to share his light, to hold you until it infected you and the two of you were one. He smiled at you, and you felt flushed all over.

It wasn't a long walk home, but neither of you rushed it. The quiet streets felt like home, and the comfortable silence was like music almost, pleasing to the ears. Silences had never felt comfortable before, but they did now.

However, you had learned years ago that happiness was temporary, and you had almost forgotten that lesson. And then, just as the thought that this feeling might leave you was fading, you saw a familiar silhouette awaiting you at the end of a road.

"Y/N." Bruno whispered, "Do you know who that is?" 

"I do. Come on, let's go." You tried to pull Bruno away, but he hesitated.

"I thought he was dead." Bruno took a few steps, letting go of your hand in order to do so. You wanted to chase after him, but the fear stopped you.

"Y/N, its been so long- I was starting to wonder if I would ever see you again..." The voice was definitely his, and hearing it shook you to your core. You hadn't been scared like this in a very long time, but now... Your hands were trembling, your throat was so tight you weren't sure if you still had the ability to speak.

Luckily for you, Bruno spoke for you, "Leave her alone, you have no reason to be here-"


"Oh but I do~" He says, I one hand he held his signature video camera. The red light indicated that he was recording, "You are aware of what happened all those years ago?"

"I am." Bruno face was like stone, "Somebody told the boss of Y/N's Squadra. They were killed."

"That's only half the story. Y/N, why don't you tell you beloved Bruno what actually happened?" Cioccolata's grin spread across his face, his eyes were illuminated by some sick and twisted excitement. 

You shook your head, you couldn't do much else. Your heart was pounding- no, not like this. Not now. It was the worst timing possible. You were finally happy, but now it was going to be ruined. Bruno would never forgive you, not if he knew what you had done. 

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Bruno was infant of you, holding your shoulders. You collapsed into his chest, your knees no longer to hold you up. Your sins were crawling up your back and weighing on your shoulders. Such immense weight, you relied on Bruno to support you. But he could never know, you would carry this weight, if it meant being able to stay with him.

"She won't tell you, but neither will I. I want to see your reaction when you find out, the horror and fury. Secco would love to see it too, but he's not here." Cioccolata frowned, but it was only temporary. Bruno hugged your properly, laying his head on your shoulder. Cioccolata could see your face, the horrified tears that ran down it. The realisation that struck you like a dagger in your chest. He was ecstatic, and that only made you cry more. 

"Its ok, Y/N." Bruno didn't know what was happening, he could never have guessed. But he was still holding you. You were disgusted with yourself, but you couldn't help melting into his touch. Sweet, kind, Bruno. He would hate you if he knew, and you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if that happened. You needed him, you realised that now.

"I want to go home-" You finally managed to form words, and Bruno nodded.

"I know, lets go."

Cioccolata broke out into uncontrollable laughter, "You aren't going to fight me? Buccellati, I'm disappointed."

"I still don't know why you're here, but my priority is Y/N- not fighting you."

Cioccolata stopped laughing, and turned off his camera. He stood there, in the dying glow of the evening and watched as Bruno escorted you home. He wasn't angry or disappointed at what had happened, but rather impatient. The truth would come out eventually, and Cioccolata couldn't wait to see it happen. What beautiful faces! What exhilarating expressions! It would be glorious! He was grinning again, just as you and Bruno turned the corner and were our of sight- 

-this was going to be good. 

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