24- Captive

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The back of Giorno's house is straight from a fairytale. The sunken sun is golden against the green trees and wild grass dotted with flowers. It's well kept, but it keeps the charm of something free and uncontrolled, like a magical forest in some foreign land. You sit on the bench and watch the birds bathe in the cold water of their bird bath, fluttering wings spraying droplets in the air. The shadows are gold, the air is starting to turn cold, and the leaves flip like pages out of a book. The whistle of the wind through them echoes the song of the birds, and the sea answers in return with its waves, bubbling and tossing foam to the sky.

You watch the world and wonder where you sit in it. A mafioso, was that all you were? Was this life, one of dirty work and playing pretend really all you had? Bruno had called it 'miserable business' and he was right- there was no glamour in this profession. Even as the skies cracked open, spraying water down on the garden, dampening the grass, which now glinted amber in the evening, there was no beauty. Giorno had killed for this, the grass grew with blood soaked deep into the earth, the birds played and bathed in it. How many had been slain so these flowers could live? You tilt your head back, letting the rain wash away your sun-stricken skin, let it take it, you thought- it is not mine own anyway. It belonged to the familigia, to these people you had worked for and will continue to work for forever.

Bruno stood by the door, watching you. Your eyelashes fluttered as the rain splashed them, and you wiped the drops away with a hand. He smiled, umbrella in hand, protecting himself from the downpour. It would pass, and there would be a warm fire awaiting you, as well as hot tea to relight the flame the rain had quenched. You didn't shiver, or did you look to him as he approached, treading the small gravel path the intwined with the flowers and shrubbery. Small laterns dotted the pathway, but the light was dim. Bruno stood before you, and you only opened your eyes when he shifted the umbrella to cover your face.


"I thought you might got cold. You should come inside."

You shook your head, "I like the rain." You patted the spot beside you, "Sit with me."

Bruno wiped the bench with his hand, trying to dry it, "You looked like you were deep in thought, enlighten me?"

"It's nothing, I was just wondering- Bruno, do you think you'll ever retire?"

"Maybe, if I ever feel the need to. I thought it would be after the Boss died, but Giorno asked me to stay." His eyes dart across the garden, and he smiles,

"I'd like to, but I feel as if I'm trapped in this damned job"

"You might have been, when Diavolo was in charge, but Giorno would understand- at least I think he would."

"My team wanted to retire, they were going to discover the Boss's identity and blackmail him into leaving."

"You won't end up like them."

"I should have."

Bruno went quiet. He didn't have an answer for that. You were right, if you hadn't told anyone, they would have been discovered nonetheless, and you would've been treated the same as them. Bruno was glad you didn't, though, even if he clenched his teeth at the thought of you snitching.

"I have an idea." He said finally, "One day, I'll leave Passione, once everything is settled and Giorno has a replacement ready- and I'll bring you with me."

"You will?" Your eyes lit up at the mere idea,

"Of course, we'll go off together somewhere. You know, I met a frenchman once, France sounds good."

You nod, "Anywhere with you will be great." You can't stop yourself from grinning.


The next day, you walk downstairs into the living room. Bruno is scrubbing the blood from the floor, his suit jacket removed in order to preserve the crisp white colour. His lace undershirt is tucked into the pants of the suit, intricate designs are woven over his tan skin. You stand and stare, glancing over the exposed flesh that you had never seen before, black lace spreads over his back, his defined shoulder blades that move with the scrubbing motion. His arms flex, and you watch the muscles contract and relax, wandering how it would feel to run your hands over them.

"If you're done watching, you can come help me." Bruno says, stopping to look up at you. He sits back on his knees, and you blink the thoughts you were having away.

"Oh- Oh yeah." You kneel beside him, he hands you a cloth, "Has it stained?"

"It's better than it was," He confesses, "But it's still bad, Giorno will be furious if he sees this."

You nod, and begin trying to rid the floor of the darkening red stain. Bruno helps, and together you manage to clean up the blood that decorates the living room. Once you finish, you sit cross-legged on the floor and sigh, Bruno sits beside you.

"Are you ok? How's your nose?"

"It's fine," Your hand reaches up to the splint and the bandages, feeling the uncomfortable weight on your face with delicate fingers.

"Come on, let's put these cloths in the bin outside, then we can clean the stains upstairs." Bruno stands and extends a hand to you. You hesitate, but take it, and Bruno pulls you to your feet.

The two of you walk to the front door. Bruno unhooks the chain and tries the handle.

"It's locked. Have you seen the key anywhere?"

"No. I haven't been out, you?"

Bruno pats his pockets, one by one, his face becomes more desperate with each second.

"I'm sure I had it- I could swear- right here." He says, "I- I had it."

"Did you put it down somewhere? Your bedroom?"

He hurries upstairs, and you walk into the dining room, searching for the illusive key. Its not in there or the kitchen, and just as you enter the hall, Bruno comes running down the stairs.

"It's not in there." You both say at the same time, and Bruno groans.

"The living room," He says, and together you search for it in there, under the sofas and all of the decorative pillows and blankets. Bruno scans the bookshelves and it isn't there either. You throw yourself down onto a sofa and sigh.

"It's not here. We've lost it."

Bruno crosses his arms, "It has to be here, though. It cant have just vanished."

You nod.

"For the meantime," Bruno says, "We're stuck in here."

Work With Me -Bruno Buccellati x Reader-Where stories live. Discover now