28- Haze of purple

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It turns out to be a rainy day. The water splashes at the windows, and the constant back and forth of the wipers does nothing to clear the view before you. Bruno had taken up driving, and you remained in the back seat with Fugo, who had been staring out of the window for some time now, sighing at the downpour and periodically uncrossing and re-crossing his legs. A terrible wind had picked up too, and it froze the inside of the car, despite all the windows being kept firmly shut. You shuddered, wishing the heating would hurry up and do something, warm the chill in your bones, ease the freezing burn in your hands. It was a biting cold, and with the rain hammering on the roof, you resigned to trying to sleep, trying to block out the horrible weather as you curled up best you could in your seat and closed your eyes.

The radio, which had once been playing, crackled and fizzled, unable to play due to the relentless rain, and was switched off by Bruno's agitated, impatient fingers. He tapped at the wheel in frustration, hissing at the cold. desperately wishing he was wearing something under his suit jacket other than lace. Fugo muttered something about the holes in his clothes, fussing with his tie, before tutting at the rain again and sighing. You tried to block it all out, but sleep wouldn't come, you were simply too cold, shaking in your seat now,

"Can't you turn the heating up?"

"It is up, as high as it will go" Bruno turned the knob a few more times for emphasis, "This really is strange weather."

"I've never known it to be so cold." Fugo chewed on his bottom lip.

Nobody wanted to say what it was. You all sat there, blowing on your hands, rubbing exposed skin until it was red with friction, sighing until the windows went foggy. You all knew, especially Bruno, who silently increased his speed, knew. But nobody could say, nobody wanted to break the ignorant silence in the air. You closed your eyes again, and heard the shuffling of fabric beside you. There was a click, and then Fugo was shuffling next to you and buckling himself in again.

"What are you doing?" You asked, not opening your eyes,

"Body heat, it's-" He caught sight of Bruno glaring at him in the rear-view mirror, "It's best we stick close together, for warmth."

"It must be slightly warmer up front," Bruno said, "We could swap again, if you'd like."

You cracked one eye open, and saw Fugo blushing. You offered him a small smile,

"Why don't we pull over and get some more clothes out of the back?"

Fugo coughed. You looked and saw Bruno was still locking eyes with him.

"Ye- Yes! Let's do that."


The door flung open with the force of the wind. You jumped out hurriedly, struggling to shut the door again,

"Careful! The wind will rip the thing clear off!" Bruno yelled, barely audible now over the wind and the rain that was beating down in sheets, constant, drenching you the second you exposed yourself to it.

You and Fugo opened the boot of the van, and grabbed the nearest case. It didn't have much in terms of warm clothing, but any shirt was better than none, so you shut it again and heaved the thing into the back seat. Fugo reached for the next,

"Didn't you pack any jackets?" He shouted, hair limp with water that was beading on his eyelashes. You shook your head,

"No! I've never seen weather like this! Why would I pack for it?"

"Hurry up!" Bruno leaned back to call to you, "You'll catch something staying out in this weather!"

Fugo pulls open the case, and before he can look at what's inside, a gust of wind, as violent as ever, blows the entire thing out of his hands. Clothes go flying, landing in puddles and soaking them, the colour darkening with the water. You cry out, and you and Fugo reach for any scraps of fabric you can reach. It's pointless, the case and the things it once contained are ruined. The case itself is gone, blown away down the layby. You pick up a few things while the wind howls in your ears, and throw them into the back of the van. Fugo wipes the water from his face, and kicks the bumper in frustration,

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