5- Messy

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"Now, before you meet my team, theres a few things you should know-" Bruno opened the door to the restaurant. Inside, the clinking of cutlery against plates and the pleasant chatter of diners welcomed you. At first, you couldn't spot Buccellati's team, the diners seemed to all be older couples, and you wondered if Buccellati had lied to you. But then you heard someone yell from around the corner and you realised you were, in fact, in the right place.

"Give that back Mista! It's mine!"

"What is this Narancia? Your maths homework?" You heard laughter, "Are you honestly this stupid?"

Bruno led you around the corner where chaos was unfolding. Around a table sat four brightly dressed, eccentric individuals. One was listening to music through a pair of headphones, leaning back on their chair with their feet on the table. Another was trying to snatch a notepad from someone else's hands. The last sat silently, lifting his head up to look your way. The Don, you knew that instantly. Bruno slammed his fist down on the table.

"Do you guys hear yourselves?! Sit down! I brought my new secretary here and I expect you all to make a good first impression!" He sat down and everyone else followed suit. Silence fell as you stood awkwardly before them all.

"Sit down, Y/N, they're not all bad."

You did as he said, sitting down and watching the way all of them stared at you. The shortest one, with messy black hair, suddenly spoke up,

"Wait, Y/N?! The only surviving member of that squad a few years back?"

"Narancia, its a bit of a sore subject." Bruno warned him.

"I think I can speak for myself, Buccellati."

Narancia went quiet. You crossed your arms and glared at Buccellati next to you.

"Anyway," The one in the hat coughed, "Can we eat now?"

There wasn't much conversation while you ate. Bruno tried to brake the silence a few times, but you weren't up for talking.

"I'm sorry about what I said, Y/N." Narancia set down his knife and fork,

"It's ok, it's not your fault they're dead." You caught Buccellati's eye,

"You know those rumours about Buccellati being the snitch aren't true, right?" The one in the hat said, Mista, you think his name was.

You hummed. Bruno put a hand on your shoulder.

"Y/N doesn't believe that,"

"Well if it wasn't you, Buccellati, who was it?" You clenched your fists around the cutlery.

"I don't know who it was, but that doesn't mean you can blame me."

"I'll stop if you can prove it wasn't you." You stood up, knocking your chair over as you did. The restaurant looked your way, and you felt your face grow hot.

"Don't start, sit down and keep eating." His voice was demanding, but you didn't give in.

"Shut it, Buccellati, you don't get to tell me how to feel."

"I am your boss, sit down and behave like an adult!" He slammed his fist down, spilling his glass of water with the force.

"How about you get lost!" You picked up your half eaten plate of food and threw it at the wall.

Ceramic shattered everywhere with a crash, along with the food. You hurried outside, past the curious onlookers, glaring at them as you did so. Bruno got up to follow you, leaving the mess behind. The sun was at it's peak and you felt like you were suffocating again, that pain in your chest that you always got when you thought about your team was coming back and you struggled to breathe.

"Y/N!" Bruno yelled, "What are you doing, causing a scene like that?" He grabbed your wrist sharply and pulled you to look at him.

You tugged your arm away, "Leave me alone, murderer."

"I've killed people, Y/N, but your team aren't among them. Please, you have to believe me."

"Let me go, Buccellati." You gritted your teeth. His team were just coming outside, and you weren't going to make a bigger fool of yourself.

"Y/N, we're going home- now." He pulled you along, "I'm so sorry everyone, we'll have to have lunch another time."

"Oh, that sucks, it was just getting good." Narancia sighed, "See you later then."

"You really need to sort that girl out, Buccellati, she might be cute but she's insane." Mista followed Narancia inside. Abbachio just placed his headphones back over his ears and followed behind. That left you staring at Giorno- your new Don. You hung your head, feeling his intense, silent stare on you.

"Buccellati, don't bring her to lunch again." The door to Libeccio's shut and Bruno let go of your wrist.

"Your team have some nerve, talking about me like I'm not there."

"And you have some nerve behaving like this. One lunch, I just wanted you to be civil for one lunch."

"boohoo Buccellati, sorry I don't like people talking about my dead teammates."

"Why can't you just believe me?" Bruno started walking home. The car scheduled to pick you up wasn't due for another half hour and you don't know if you could handle sitting in a car with him anyway. You followed him, though, but Buccellati's pace was much faster than your own.

"Do you know how hard it is to just get over what everyone told me?" You dragged your feet as you walked, trying to keep the gap between the two of you as wide as possible, "After what happened, all everyone could say was that you were responsible. It's not easy to just forget that."

"I know, but- you have to try. What you did today wasn't good, for either of us."

"I suppose I've never had the best control over my anger." You swallowed, trying to douse the dryness in your throat, "I'm sorry, Buccellati."

"I'm sorry too, and I apologise for how my team treated you. They're not good with new people. Give them time."

There was silence for a moment as you continued walking.

"So, you're not going to kick me out, right? Today, working with you, I didn't actually mind it."

"Me neither, I think this could actually work out." Bruno stopped walking, turning around to smile at you, "You and me, I mean, we might work out."

You nodded, and allowed yourself to move closer to him. You still weren't used to his scent, his mannerisms or his obnoxious kindness. Even now, you still couldn't remove the idea that he got your team killed from your mind. But they were just rumours, right? You were conflicted, you wanted to hate him, scream at him and beat him to the ground, but something inside of you stopped you.

As you walked together, you felt tears in your eyes. Bruno looked to you,

"Are you ok?"

"All of this, it's just so much. I, I don't know how to do this- Buccellati I-"

"It's ok, come on, we're almost home."

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