12- Can we try this again?

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You collapsed into Bruno's arms the moment you stepped through the door together. You planted your face in his chest, letting him hold you up. Your legs felt weightless, as if they weren't even there and your heart was beating like waves on the ocean during a storm. Your mind was spinning, racing with thoughts you had tried so hard not to think about. Bruno stroked the back of your neck, letting his hands touch your skin, soothing you with his touch. 

"Tell me what's wrong," He says, face buried in the crook of your neck, words hot and breathy against your skin. 

"I can't.." Your voice is shaky and uncertain, you know nothing but his touch.

Bruno doesn't pry, instead he pulls away from you to look you in the eye. His eyes are blue like the sea and the sky, sparkling with the light of all the stars. You whimper at the sight of his beauty, but then he's leaning towards you again and you tense. He's so close, so warm, and you can't stop the breathless sigh that escapes you. Bruno smiles, pressing his lips to your cheek, barely there and yet the feeling is so intense. His lips are soft, yet firm as he presses them to your burning cheek. You can feel the curve of his smile, hear the sound his kiss makes, and then he moves, and the cold air of the night invades the space his lips had previously occupied. 

"Whatever it is, I trust we can work through it together." He looks away, almost embarrassed, "I'm- I'm really happy right now."

You nod, you don't know how to do anything else. You can't speak, can't breathe, you can't escape the feeling that what you're doing is wrong. 

I'm not so sure Buccellati, I don't know if we can work through this.

But that's why you don't object. Because right now, life is perfect, and if you just bury your secrets then life can stay the same. You don't want to work through it, because it would ruin everything. You want to stay in the villa, stay as Bruno's secretary. It's selfish, you think, because you're lying to Bruno by not telling him. He's happy, and you're happy- why would you change that?

Because it's the right thing to do.

You shake your head, you had never done the right thing before, it shouldn't bother you now. You could lie, deceive, con all you wanted. It would keep everyone in this dreamworld, one where your history doesn't exist. You have no past, only the present and your future with Bruno. 


You don't discuss it, any of it. Not the kiss, not your encounter with Cioccolata. It isn't awkward, per-say, but still- Bruno doesn't speak of it so neither do you. You would have liked to speak about the kiss, it would open up the opportunity for more of them, and you definitely wanted that. 

But it was the heat of the moment, Bruno doing whatever he could to make you feel better- there was probably nothing to it, you thought. He probably didn't mean anything by it, he just wanted to comfort you. You pressed your fingertips to your cheek and imagined he was kissing you now, sweet and memorable. Like it had scarred your skin with its imprint, leaving fire in its wake.

You were sat at the kitchen counter, waiting for your breakfast. You were wearing the uniform Bruno had assigned to you. Golden morning light was dancing through like always, and you were happy enough sitting there basking in it. Bruno was just pouring your coffee when he noticed that you were still pressing your fingers to your face, trying to replicate the pressure and force of his lips on you.

"Are you alright?" He asked, setting the mug down before you,

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I just thought I had something on my face." You pulled your hand away, smiling at him.

"I was thinking, your behaviour has improved a lot." Bruno's finger trailed along the rim of his own coffee mug, "I'd like you to try lunch again."

"With your team? Bruno, I don't know-"

"Not at Libeccio's, they're coming here."

"You mean, you've already arranged it? Why didn't you tell me?" You frowned, trying to read Bruno's expression.

"If you don't want to eat with us, then I can bring lunch up to you in my office. Y/N, I'd like you to do this." He wasn't angry, but his voice was stern. You shrugged.

"If you think I'm able to do it, then I'll try. But no promises." 

Bruno smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. You had noticed that small fact about him, and every time he did it, you wanted to hold his face in your hands and stroke the folds with your thumb. 

"I believe in you." He said, and his eyes relaxed, bringing back his youthfulness. You smiled back, wondering if he noticed anything about you. 

In fact, Bruno noticed a lot, but he never told you about any of it. He was very observant, but he kept the things he noticed about you quiet. They were like secrets to him, precious secrets he could never dare spread to the world. He wasn't even sure if you knew all of your habits yourself, but it made him feel proud when he spotted something new about your behaviour. It made him feel closer to you in some way, even if you weren't aware of it. 

Now, as you stood beside him, awaiting the arrival of his team, he smiled. You looked so professional, so different than you had before. You looked nervous, though, but Bruno placed a hand on your shoulder, drawing your eyes away from the door,

"You're going to do great," He says, 

You nod, and take a deep breath. The sound of footsteps on the gravel driveway grows louder and closer. You take a final look at Bruno, who takes his hand off of you. He opens the door, and you prepare yourself, secretly vowing to yourself that you wouldn't- under any circumstances- ruin this second chance. 

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