26- Hide and Seek

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The sound of crashing glass wakes you from your sleep. You're up in an instant, but not before Bruno. He stood at the doorway, looking out into the hall. Moments ago, he had been lying beside you, arm wrapped around your middle, breathing into you neck peacefully. Your hand had been lost in his hair, idly playing with it as you dozed. You watched him now, white pyjamas shifting in the breeze, hair astray, eyes squinting in the darkness. He beckoned for you silently, and you treaded across to him, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as he led you down the hall.

There was scuffling, the sound of hurried footsteps echoing throughout the house. Shadows flickered and danced, and you kept close to Bruno, his hand reached out to hold yours and you let yourself breathe. He was here,  and you felt safe, even as you descended the stairs, you reminded yourself that Bruno would not let any harm come to you. He stroked the back of your palm, leading you into the living room. The air was cold, and blowing freely through the broken window, you couldn't see anyone at first, until whoever was there accidentally shone their torch out from behind the curtain. They swore under their breath, and Bruno chuckled. You watched as Bruno let go of your hand and approached, pulling back the curtain almost casually, as if this was all some game of hide and seek.

A man stood there. Bruno hesitated for a moment, stepping backwards uncertainly. He rubbed his eyes for a moment before slowly taking the man's hand. They lingered, until Bruno wrapped his arms around him and sighed, breath shaking.

"Fugo..." He said, pulling away, "It's been so long."

Fugo nodded. Bruno went and switched on the light. You stared at the man before you, blonde hair fell across his face, a green suit riddled with holes fluttered in the wind. Bruno put a hand on your shoulder,

"It's ok, this is Fugo, I told you about him."

You swallowed, "I know, but why.. why here?"

Fugo brushed off a shard of glass and readjusted his tie, he sat down on the sofa and draped himself across it,

"I've come to tell you something, it's about Cioccolata." 

"He's alive, we had the displeasure of running into him." Bruno turned to you, "Could you get us some tea?" 

"Sure." You left the room.


Fugo sat up rather suddenly after you left. The calmness left his eyes and was replaced with a serious glare,

"Thats her, isn't it?"

"It is." Bruno crossed his arms, but did not sit down. 

The wind had begun to howl outside, the moonlight broke through, though it disappeared in the light. Bruno could feel his muscles tense, feel his brow furrow. Fugo looked to him, and suddenly he was stood in the boat all over again.

"He's after her." Fugo said

"Why have you come back, why now?"

"I had to- you aren't safe."

"You left us, Fugo."

"I was scared."

"I know. Are you scared now?"


Bruno faltered, "So am I."

"You aren't safe here," Fugo looked around, "Giorno sent me, to get you out of this house, we have to find Cioccolata before he finds us."

"Giorno, you spoke to him?"

"I've had contact with him since he became the Don."

"He never told me."

Fugo shook his head, "I told him not to, I wasn't ready to face any of you again, I wasn't ready to face up to what I did..." 

"Nobody blames you.. we missed you, but nobody could be upset, you had every right."

"I just kept thinking, what if you got hurt? Or worse? I used to look up at the sky and pray that you were safe. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hadn't been able to save you all."

"Is that why you're here now?" Bruno began to pace, he looked lost in thought.

Fugo nodded, "I have to help you all, after everything you did."

"How do you know about Cioccolata, about her?"

"Giorno told me." He replied, "I met Cioccolata one evening, he told me he was kicked from Passione and we bonded somewhat. I had no idea who he was, but when I asked Giorno about him, he seemed to panic."

"Everyone thought he was dead. Then what happened?"

"He, Giorno,  told me about her, and what happened. He asked me to befriend Cioccolata, to learn what he planned to do."

"It couldn't have been easy." Bruno shuddered, "That man, he's disgusting."

"I know. But I did what he asked, and then Cioccolata told me he planned to go after the girl, because somebody had learned the truth. Giorno had Mista had lock you in here and steal the key, he thought you'd be safe. But Cioccolata is here, in the city, and so I'm here to get you."

"So we can confront him?"

"Not yet, Giorno wants you to meet him in Venezia first, so we can take him down together."

"Venezia is the other end of Italy!" Bruno stopped pacing to stare at Fugo, "We have to- we have to do something now!"

"It's not safe, Cioccolata survived you before, we have to make sure he doesn't live this time."

"Fugo... When did you become so sensible?" Bruno smiled, and Fugo got up from the sofa.

"I've missed you, Buccellati."

Bruno didn't reply, only nodded and called for you. You emerged, holding the tea tray.

"We have to leave, now, go upstairs and pack."

"What about the tea?" You lifted the tray, and the cups rattled.

Bruno shook his head, "There isn't time, I'll explain everything once we're on the move."

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