15- Who's there?

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Bruno called for you from upstairs. The house was dark and quiet, and the steps creaked as you walked up them. What could it be? You wondered, entering his office. He was holding the phone, and he passed it to you when you came through the door,

"Its for you," He says, you nod

You put the phone to your ear, "Hello?"

"Y/N." It's Abbacchio, his voice is venomous, "Is Bruno in the room?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, why?"

"Get him to leave." He demands. You look to Bruno,

"Can you give me a minute?" You ask him, he nods and leaves. You turn back to the phone, "He's gone. What's this about?"

"I know what you did."

You don't catch on at first, but you can tell from Abbacchio's tone that it's something serious.

"I know who really snitched to the Boss three years ago."

You drop the receiver. It clatters on the desk. No. No, he can't know. How could he know? You never told anyone! He had no way of knowing! You pick up the receiver again and try to calm your voice,

"I'm not sure what you mean... You- you know?"

"Don't act confused. I know what you did, Y/N, my Moody Blues replayed the entire thing."

You tried to swallow, but your mouth was bone dry. You took a few deep breaths, but you couldn't find any words to say. Abbacchio poured a glass of something, probably wine on the other end. He took a sip and hummed,

"Now, I have a proposition for you. I'll give you twenty-four hours to tell Buccellati the truth. If you don't, I will."

You still couldn't speak. You were gripping the edge of the desk until your knuckles went white, trying desperately not to collapse. You couldn't tell Buccellati, he could never know. He had only just told you how he felt! Now it was going to end! You sighed, trying to get yourself together, you couldn't let on to Buccellati that you were upset.

Abbacchio grew impatient, "Well?"

"F-fine.. I'll do it." You said, before putting the phone down. Bruno entered the room again,

"That was Abbacchio, right? What did he want?" Bruno asked, sitting on the edge of the desk.

You shrugged, "Nothing, nothing. He was just thanking us for lunch."

"Hmm, weird how he couldn't just tell me that." He laughed, "Nevermind, I think we had some unfinished business-"

Bruno guided you to him, holding your face, tilting your chin up so he could kiss you again. You were still happy, but it felt tainted and wrong. You were lying to him, and soon he would be forced to know the truth. Could you really spend the next twenty-four hours pretending nothing was wrong, only for it to all be ripped away? You pulled away, Bruno looked concerned.

"Bruno, there's something I have to tell you..."

"What is it?"

"I- I.. I love you." You couldn't do it. When you looked in his eyes, you couldn't bring yourself to hurt him. It would kill you, to see those eyes full of tears. You kissed him to distract yourself from the nerves, and he smiled against you. His arms wrapped around your waist, and you were stood between his opened legs. Your bodies were slotted together, your combined body heats creating a hot atmosphere between the two of you. You closed your eyes tightly shut, trying to block out your thoughts. All you wanted to think about was Bruno, not Abbacchio, not your worries and fears.

Just Bruno, just Bruno.

But you knew it would be short lived. This feeling, this warm bubbling in your heart, it couldn't last forever. You wondered what would be best- telling Bruno yourself or waiting to see what Abbacchio would do. He wouldn't tell Bruno, surely? That would hurt him, and even if Abbacchio seemed cold, you knew he secretly cared a lot for his friends. Could he really bring himself to hurt Bruno, just to spite you? You pulled away from Bruno for a second, just to take a deep breath. Bruno smiled down at you,


"Perfect." You replied. Well, you still had tonight, and you were going to enjoy it.


You found yourself constantly checking the clock during the day. Every five minutes, your eyes were drawn to the ticking hands, counting down the hours until Abbacchio was supposed to turn up. You were so nervous, the excitement of Bruno's confession had worn off and now you were faced with the reality. Honestly, you knew you should tell him now, to get it over with. Maybe if you explained yourself, he'd forgive you, but you doubted it. For years, you fought with him over something you knew to be false. But Bruno said he loved you, so maybe it would be ok?

It was lunch time, and Bruno had decided to go for a walk with you. You walked a familiar route, along a stone wall that overlooked the sea, and you found the ocean air calming.

Slowly, you tried to speak, "Bruno..."

"Yes, tesoro?" God hearing him speak Italian was endearing,

"Bruno, do you promise you won't be too mad at me?"

"What's wrong?" He stopped dead in his tracks, face suddenly serious,

"I- I uh..." You tried to find the words, but your brain failed you. It was like you could already see the tears, hear his words. You shook your head, "Sorry, forget it, it's nothing."

"If there's something bothering you, you can always tell me."

No. you thought no i can't.

You distracted yourself by looking out to the sea. You remembered how happy it had made you, both when you visited it with your team and when Bruno took you. You smiled, forcing yourself to look content and unbothered, when secretly your stomach was in knots. Your happiness couldn't last, once more you were doomed to ruin the one good thing in your life, hurt the person that cared about you. Why? Why had God decided you were to be alone, constantly hopping from person to person, hurting them as you went. You looked at Bruno and knew his beautiful face would soon be scarred with tears and anger. 

The sight would kill you.


Evening came too soon, the sun abandoned you and you were left with nothing but darkness. You tried not to think about it, tried to block out the sound of the ticking clocks hands, tried to focus on Bruno and how he was holding you. 

You were sitting together on the sofa once more. Bruno liked having you in his arms, it made him feel as if you were safe and he could protect you. Now, he was quietly recounting a story to you. It was some story about his team, some mission they had been on together. You were only half listening, your brain couldn't shut off, couldn't allow you to completely indulge yourself in the sound of Bruno's voice. You couldn't even really feel his arms around you, it was like you were somewhere else entirely and Bruno was a million miles away. You closed your eyes, but all you could see was the memory of your team and what had happened to them. You sighed, and then played it off as a yawn when Bruno stopped talking to look at you.

"Sorry, carry on please."

Bruno nodded, "As I was saying, Narancia-"

You settled back down, begging your mind to let you enjoy what you assumed could only be your last few happy moments with Bruno. It was so short, so sweet, and you hated that it couldn't go on forever this way. You buried your face into his body in the hopes it would help you forget, his scent allowing you to only think of him, invading your senses and surrounding you in nothing but him.

Then came the knock at the door. 

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