Chapter Ten

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The first thing I noticed when we walked into The Spot Lounge was that this was unlike any other club I'd been to before. The loud music I was expecting wasn't deafening to the ears and I could actually hear my thoughts over it. Also, there were no obnoxious neon lights bouncing around the room. Instead, there were enormous chandeliers falling from the ceiling. The unusual thing was that the floor was carpet. Black, soft carpet ran throughout the large squared room with a large canvas of wooden floor right in the centre just in front of the bar for dancing. My eyes travelled from the sea of people already dancing on it to the couches off to the side of the room. Red ropes surrounded the areas indicating they were for VIP's which funnily enough, Kade was leading us towards.

"Where are we going?" I asked loudly in Nina's ear, who was pulling on my hand while Kade was pulling her other one.

"To the VIP area!" She shouted. No shit Sherlock. I had meant why but I didn't bother questioning it again as I followed Kade and Nina through the throngs of guests floating about the room to the leather couches.

"Yo, Kade!" Some guy bellowed as he stood from his seat on the couch. He stood at around 5'11 and looked to be African-American. His skin had a light cocoa complexion and his short hair stuck out in tiny curls. "You made it, man." He nodded his head at the scary security guard standing by the ropes and the guard let us through.

"I would never miss your big 3-0 bro." Kade grinned as he did some kind of cool bro handshake with who I was now guessing was Cameron. "Shit, is that a grey hair?" Kade joked, tugging at Cameron's curly locks.

"Oh, fuck off you prick." He laughed and then pushed Kade aside. Cameron held his arms out to Nina in a 'come here' gesture to which she happily obliged.

"Thanks for coming, pretty girl." He said, wrapping his arms around her.

"It's good to see you. Happy Birthday." Nina said. All too quickly, Kade pulled Cameron off Nina.

"No longer than two seconds, Cam." He warned.

"Still a jealous shit, ain't you big guy?" He quirked his eyebrow while Nina rolled her eyes and Kade smirked.

"Always." Kade replied.

"And who is this beauty?" Cameron turned his attention to me and my cheeks immediately heated from his slow perusal of my body.

"This is Ava, my new roommate and best friend!" Nina stated happily. I laughed at her and stuck my hand out. Cameron took it in his, bringing it up to his mouth and leaving a quick peck on the back.

"Nice to meet you, Ava. I'm Cam." He smiled at me sweetly and I returned it.

"Yeah, you too. Happy Birthday by the way. This club is awesome."

"It isn't mine but I'll take the credit for it anyway." He grinned, showcasing his slightly crooked teeth. A few squeals broke on our left getting Cameron's attention. "Ah, it seems I've got some more guests to greet." He said, looking between the three of us.

"No worries man, go mingle. We'll be here." Kade told him.

"Charlie!" Cameron gestured over a young kid with an empty steel, plate in his hand. "Get these guys whatever drinks they'd like on the house." He said before turning back to us. "I'll be back in a few. Sit, dance, have fun. And Ava," Cameron focused his brown eyes on me, "please, save me a dance for later?" He didn't say it in a flirty manner which made me relax and I smiled at him warmly.

"Sure. I'd love to." He beamed and nodded before he left towards the girls that were pawing for his attention. Cameron was pretty cute so I could see the attraction in him and he seemed like a definite ladies' man. It was his cheeky manner. It worked for him.

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