Chapter Thirteen

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The last couple of weeks have been unexplainable. With my new job, spending time with Lincoln and living with Nina; my life had turned for the better. There was a time while I was with Damian that I thought I may never be able to find happiness again. Dramatic. I know. I wanted to give up trying to escape and just except my fate but I was glad I didn't. I guess the saying 'things get worse before they get better' was true for me.

It had been just nearing two months since I left the devil. I wouldn't lie and tell you that I was starting to forget about him. No. It was quite the opposite actually. I was beginning to get more worried that he would find me. I tried not to but I couldn't stop asking myself, what if? Lincoln still knew nothing about my past. My nightmares of Damian seemed to disappear when I was by Lincoln's side, with his arms wrapped tightly around me. Unfortunately, one night, even Lincoln's presence couldn't get rid of the haunting memories that invaded me in my dreams.


I stepped foot into the house, eager to see Damian after the worst day in hell at work. Appointments were double booked, my boss was being a grump and everything was just a chaotic mess. So, when the clock hit five, I was relieved and ran out of there faster than lightning. Slipping my heels off at the doorway, I let out a huge sigh and rolled my shoulders back to ease some of the day's tension. A loud crash coming from our bedroom all of a sudden, startling me and I frowned.

"Damian?" I called. No answer. Walking with hurried steps, I moved through the kitchen to our bedroom and I reached out to open the door but it flung open before me with such force, I was surprised it didn't come off the hinges. Damian stood in front of me in his slacks; his tie hanging loose around his neck, with a murderous look on his face. His chest heaved with forced breaths and his fists were balled by his sides. My frown deepened as I stood there waiting for him to say something but he didn't.

"What's wrong?" Again, silence. Damian was staring at me with an unreadable expression. "Honey, you're scaring me." He narrowed his eyes at me and unexpectedly, he moved forward to grab my arms and swivelled me around, bringing me into the bedroom, then roughly pushed me up against the wall beside the door. His grip was tight but it didn't faze me much. Damian tended to be a little rough during sex so I was used to the slight pain. His mouth was a few inches away from me and I could feel his hot breath fanning my forehead. I smiled, slightly aroused. Damian in a charcoal, suit with a crisp white shirt which was open down to the third button along, giving me a peek of his defined chest was the biggest turn on for me. I fucking loved men in suits and Damian in a suit? I could live with him wearing one twenty-four seven. I pushed up on the balls of my feet so that my mouth was in line with his and leaned forward to make our lips a millimetre apart.

"Is this some kind of role play?" I whispered, deviously. "Have I done something bad? Am I going to get punished?" I wanted to run my fingers down Damian's chest but he had my arms locked by my sides. I was about to close the distance and kiss him when he slammed me back against the wall and growled in anger. This would have gotten even more excited if his hands didn't tighten around my arms to a pain that was proving to be unbearable. His fingers dug into my skin and I winced. "Damian, you're hurting me...and not in a good way." Damian stared at me, his teeth clenched hard and he wouldn't loosen his grip. I squirmed in an effort to get his hands off of me but he wasn't having any of it. What the hell was wrong with him? He wasn't drunk. This I knew because his breath didn't have smell of alcohol nor was he tipsy in any way. That was the only time I'd ever seen this side to Damian before. The menace in his eyes was intense and for the second time in our relationship, I was afraid of him.

"Are you cheating on me?" He spat.

"W-what?" I sputtered, completely taken about at by the fury, evident in his voice.

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