Chapter Four

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It took me about fifteen minutes to arrive at the address Cara gave me. I pulled up in front of large condo that had a Harley motorcycle and a red, old Chevy truck parked in the driveway.

"Stay here boy." I said, stroking Rogue's chin. "I won't be long." Quickly slipping on my Ray Bans, I exited the car and walked the stoned pathway, coming to a stop when I reached the door. I knocked and waited before the door opened to reveal a guy I didn't recognise wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, his dirty blonde hair damp and sticking to his forehead. The stranger's mouth tipped up into a wide smile and his blue eyes roamed my body once, twice before settling onto my face.

"Hi, beautiful," He said in a smoker's voice. "Can I help you?"

"Uh, hi. I'm looking for Maddox Wilder. I believe he lives here?"

"He does." I waited for him to carry on speaking but instead he looked me over again, his face set in a permanent smirk.

"Is he here?" I questioned.

"He is." All of a sudden, Mr. Needed-to-keep-his-eyes-to-himself barked out a small laugh.

"What?" I snapped, losing my patience.

"Did you get into a fight with one of Maddox's other bitches?" He smiled again, flicking his hand towards my busted lip. "That guy really must go to town in bed huh?"

"I'm not one of his whore's." I said in a flat voice. "Listen, is he here or not? This is urgent." What I said caused him to laugh again before he shook his head and replied.

"Honey, that's what they all say." Weird guy in the towel opened the door further then turned, walking back into the condo. "I'll go grab him." He looked over his shoulder and once again looked over me, "You're hotter than his usual." The creep winked as if he just gave me the compliment of the year and disappeared behind an alcove.

A minute later, Maddox filled the doorway, a deep scowl on his face.

"Which asshole gave you my address?" He didn't give me a chance to answer before he started talking again. "Look, I told you it was a one-time thing. Truth be told, I don't have the foggiest who you are. I don't remember anything about our sexual encounter and I couldn't care less." Maddox started to close the door but my hand shot and pushed it open again.

"Look, bitch-"

"Shut up, Maddox." I interrupted. He looked slightly taken aback before the scowl deepened. "I'm not interested in your dick and quite frankly, I'm disgusted my sister had that infested thing anywhere near her."

Maddox's eyes widened before recognition crossed his expression. "Ava?" I nodded in confirmation. "Jesus. I haven't seen you since your eighteenth birthday. What are you doing here?" Maddox's Adam apple bobbed as he swallowed. "Is Cara-"

"Cara's perfectly fine, Mad. I'm not here for her. I need your help."

"Why? Is everything okay?" He said apprehensively.

"No. Can I come in?" Maddox opened the door wider and stepped aside, motioning for me to come in. He walked me through the condo and I followed him out to the garden patio.

"Sit." He said as demanding as I remember, nodding towards a chair. "You want anything to drink?"

"No thanks." I took a seat. "I won't be here too long. Nice place you've got here." I praised as Maddox took the seat opposite me.

"Yeah, it's alright."

"Gotta say though, your roommate is kind of a creep." I laughed.

"Jack? Shit. Sorry about him. He forgets to use his manners around girls sometimes." He gave me a lopsided grin and joked, "But hey, at least I have him house trained." I smiled, remembering how Maddox used to make me laugh until my sides used to hurt when I was younger.

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