Chapter Sixteen

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---This chapter is a little short, just to give you a head's up but I hope you like it. Vote and comment please XO---

Squeezing my eyes firmly shut until they hurt, I let the tears leak out. I had thought my life was finally going to get better but again, it was taking a turn for the worst. I want you. Those words echoed in my ears, making them throb rapidly. I couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t be able to go back to that devil. My sister. He had my sister. She’d always been there for me and I’d kill myself before I’d let anything happen to her. I let out a shaky breath and tried to control my voice.

            “If…if I come to you, will you let her go?”

            “Well, if you came back to me then I wouldn’t have any other use for her now would I? Of course, I’d let her go.” Damian’s voice grated in my ears. He seemed so smug. As if he wasn’t trying to ruin someone’s life. He kidnapped my sister and yet he was so calm. What kind animal did that?

            “Can I talk to her? Please…Damian, I-I just want to know she’s okay.” Pleading wasn’t something I wanted to do but I needed to her voice. I needed to know that she was with him. That she was alive and this wasn’t some kind of sick trap.

            “Will you come back home?” Swallowing, I choked out my next word.  


            “Then yes, sweetheart. You can speak to your precious sister.” Bringing my knees up, I hugged them to myself and waited as I heard shuffling on the other side of the phone. A second later, my sister’s voice came through.


            “Cara! Oh, God, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” I cried, frantically.

            “I’m alright, sis. I love you.” My heart broke and I let my cries bounce around the bathroom walls. I heard Lincoln’s voice ask me if I was okay on the other side of the door but all I could focus on was my sister.

            “That's enough bitch!” I heard Damian say before my sister’s shrill scream rung out.

            “Stop it!” I yelled into the phone. The door to the bathroom flew open and I didn’t pay attention to Lincoln running towards me. My ears were ringing and my head was aching from crying so bad.

            “One day, Ava. I’m giving you one day to get your ass here. You’ve got until eight p.m tomorrow or I’ll kill her and I won’t fucking hesitate.” Damian spat viciously before the phone clicked off, replaced by the end tone. My hand went slack and the phone slipped out, falling to the floor.

            “Ava, baby. What happened? Ava! Ava, would you fucking talk to me?!” Lincoln was trying to shake me out of my stupor but my eyes were set straight ahead. ‘I’ll kill her.’ ‘I’ll kill her.’ Damian’s words repeated themselves over and over in my head. “Fuck, Ava. You’re freezing.” Lincoln left and came back with a towel. Wrapping it around me, he tried to lift me onto my feet but I wouldn’t move. My body was numb and my limbs were not working. Lincoln cursed again and then he cradled me into his arms like a baby and walked out of the bathroom.

            My dam broke once again and I started wailing in Lincoln’s arms. I could feel Lincoln shaking beneath me as he rocked me back and forth. His hands stroked my wet hair and he was begging me to talk to him. The words were stuck in my throat. I couldn’t bring myself to get them out through my sobs.

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