Chapter Six

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"I'll miss you, flower." Maddox's deep voice washed over me causing tears to catch in my throat. I forgot how much I loved being with him. He was like the brother I never had. From the moment I met him at the age of fourteen, I followed him around like a puppy, everywhere. I took to him instantly when Cara introduced me and I had worshipped him since. He was the one that protected me from bullies and taught to me about boys. I always secretly wished Cara would stop being so damn stubborn and contact him so that they could get back together and live happily ever after.

"I'll miss you too, Mad."

"I'll miss you more." Jack butted in, discreetly shoving Maddox to the side to stand in front of me. I laughed, shaking my head at him. I'd really taken a liking to Jack these past few days. He may be a man slut but the guy was genuinely nice and incredibly sweet.

"I wouldn't doubt it, Jack. I'll miss you too."

"Call for Flight 457. All persons boarding this flight please make your way to gate 6, ready for departure."

"That's me." I spoke, after releasing a breath. Maddox pulled me into a tight hug immediately and I tried not to wince at the pressure on my injuries. He let me go a few seconds later and looked at me sadly.

"You'll keep in touch, right Ava?"

"Of course," I nodded. Jack quickly hugged me too, before himself and Maddox picked up my bags, plural thanks to the huge shopping spree Maddox gifted me for all the birthday's he missed, and bustled behind me towards my gate.

"Mad, you have to promise me something."

"Anything, flower," Maddox said, handing me my carry on.

"Will you call Cara?" He looked like he was about to disagree but I spoke before he could. "Please. She misses you and I know she'll be glad to hear from you." Hesitantly, Maddox jerked a nod. I hugged them both again before handing the attendant my ticket and boarded the plane. Here I go; I muttered to myself and took a deep breath as the plane took off to take me to my new home.


Grand Haven was everything I expected it to be. It was quiet, peaceful and gorgeous. I had been living here for almost three weeks now and I'd like to think, I was settling in well. Nina Callen was awesome and we clicked in the first few minutes of meeting. She was a beautiful girl, standing tall at around 5'10 with the same dirty blonde hair and blue eyes as Jack. Her apartment was cute and the perfect size. Cosy yet spacious and I loved it.

I met her boyfriend, Kade Jameson, last week. And holy shit ball was that guy good-looking. He was a lean, 6'5, all muscled man with the chocolate brown eyes that went well with his chestnut brown hair. His voice was deeper than anything I'd ever heard before and I actually stuttered when I introduced myself. Nina had snickered beside me as I openly ogled her boyfriend and then threw her arms around him whilst jumping up and wrapping her long legs around his waist like a koala clinging onto a tree. That girl was not shy and a week later, I'd still not gotten used to their constant PDA. Kade touched Nina every chance he would get and I didn't think she ever used anything other than his lap as a seat whenever he was around. It was ridiculous but cute nevertheless.

"I guess I've got to get used to walking in on you guys sucking each other's face off as if your life depends on it whenever you're around, Kade." I tried to sound a little peeved but I couldn't help but let the amusement come through in my voice. Nina broke away from the frenzied kiss first, wiped her thumb across Kade's bottom lip, removing the evidence and then turned towards me, smiling wide.

"Sorry." Nina laughed, picking herself up from her straddled position on Kade. "I can't help it; he's just too damn delicious for his own good." That was another thing I had to get used to about Nina. She wasn't shy, talking about personal things either. Things that should be kept zipped and not thrown for innocent ears like mine to hear. Okay, not so innocent but trust me when I say that Nina didn't have much of a filter.

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