Chapter Eighteen

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In the space of a few minutes, the number of paparazzi tripled. They swarmed me as I rushed out the gates. I wiped frantically at my tears and ignored them, walking as fast as my legs would carry me. When I reached the car, Lincoln was nowhere in sight. He wasn't sitting where I left him. Trying not to panic, I pulled the handle on the driver's side of the door. It opened. Lincoln had left it unlocked. Confused, I got into the car to shut out the endless voices of the people that followed me.

"Don't turn around." I jumped at Lincoln's voice but relaxed instantaneously. "I got in the back so that they wouldn't be able to see that I'm here through the front windshield. You're better off if they think you came alone. You don't want another story printed along with the show you just put on for them." His amused tone had me straining to stop the smile that wanted to appear on my face. This guy thought of everything. "Drive baby. We'll switch back once we've lost them." I did as Lincoln said. Switching on the engine, I pulled onto the road, away from the group of crazy paparazzi.

"Are you okay?" Lincoln asked once we turned the corner at the end of the street. I glimpsed at myself in the rear-view mirror. My eyes were red; my cheeks tear streaked and tinted. No. I was far from okay.

"I will be."

"Pull over. They didn't bother following us." Why would they? I thought. Their interest was in Damian's reaction and what he would do next. For once, I was glad to be a nobody. As a kid, I always pawned for attention. I craved it. It was a result of my parents dying when I was twelve. I became rebellious after that. Didn't bother with school work, got into fights and pretty much didn't care about anyone or anything. Cara sure had her work cut out. It wasn't until I turned sixteen; Cara said something that changed me. She told me to do what I believe would make my parents proud and I did exactly that.

Pulling over, I quickly rubbed at my eyes when Lincoln hopped out of the back seats. Lincoln opened the driver's side of the door and held out his hand. I took it and got out of the car. He walked me around and opened the passenger side door and waited until I settled in before he closed it and went back to sit in the driver's seat.

"So..." Lincoln said as he pulled out and started driving, " did it go?"

"You were right. Cara wasn't there." I told him, staring straight ahead. He didn't have to say it because Lincoln's silence basically said I told you so. "I'm sorry I dragged you here for nothing."

"Ava, it wasn't for nothing. You got closure right?"

"I guess." From the corner of my eye, I could see Lincoln glancing back and forth between me and the road.

"You were crying." He said as a matter of fact. I tucked my shaking hands under my thighs and bit my lip to stop myself from going again. "Did he hurt you?"

"No." My voice was sharp and for some reason that question angered me. It was ironic because that was solely the reason I ran from Damian. I didn't know what I was exactly mad at. Maybe, it was the fact that Damian showed a side of him that I'd never seen before just as I left. It pissed me off that he had that side to him but let the evil overpower it.

"Did he kiss you?" Lincoln's voice was low. The question had my anger dissolve within a second. Instead, I felt remorse.

"How did you know?" I asked, quietly.

"Your lips are swollen and pink." My eyes fell on Lincoln's hands. I watched as his grip tightened on the steering wheel. Touching my lips with my fingers, I cursed inwardly at them for being so sensitive. "Did you kiss him back?" Shit. I turned my head towards the passenger window to hide my face and stayed silent.

"Fuck." Lincoln spat and hit his palm against the steering wheel. Taking a moment to breathe, I cautiously angled my body towards him. Lincoln's knuckles were white from his grip and his temple was throbbing visibly.

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