I was outside Dr Walkers office waiting for her and the nurse to get ready. My body was completely frozen, this was it I had no where to run or hide. I did think about running but that would look more suspicious than anything else. If I went up for auction I knew exactly who would be owning me. The thought of being his submissive filled my body with rage, I can't let this happen.. I won't.
The nurse stuck her head out and asked me to come in. I still was frozen, not being able to move or speak.
"Chelsea? We are ready for you, come on now there is no reason to be shy." The nurse said reaching her hand out to me.
All I could think was is 'is this bitch serious' does she not know what will happen if they do the test! My adrenaline set in and I started running down the hallway.
"What's going on?" Dr Walker said as I was running away.
"Chelsea come back here now!" The nurse held.
I didn't stop running, I couldn't. I don't know what they would do when they found me but I needed to find Billy first. I had to run up the stairs twice and make a few lefts until I reached his room. I could see Billy standing outside his door.
"Billy thank god! They were about to do the test on me...."
* A loud smack and ringing sound entered my ears* Then everything went dark.
"Jesus! Chels are you okay? Chels if you can here me respond now!" Billy yelled as I could feel him trying to hold me up. But I couldn't respond, my eyes were closed and my mouth was on mute.
The next day.
I woke up with a throbbing headache, I opened my eyes not knowing what the hell was going on when I realized I was in my room. I threw my body up and became dizzy straight away, both Sage and Connie were standing there smiling.
"How are you feeling? Connie asked.
"Ahhh the head is a bit sore.. but what happened? All I remember is almost being in Billy's room and then nothing else."
"Well because you were running so fast and it was dark up near Billy's room you pretty much head butted a cupboard door that was open." Sage said trying not to giggle.
I threw my body backwards smiling with relief that I didn't get tested.
"I freaked outside the doctors office and started to run! I didn't think it would work but I guess it did!"
I went to scratch my head when I noticed a slight pain in my left arm near my elbow, there was a band aid and cotton ball placed in the middle.
"What the hell? Did someone take my bloods?"
Both girls went silent. They looked at each other with guilt on there faces.
"Did one of you take my bloods?" I said joking around.
"I'm so sorry Chels but when you passed out the doctor had to come up and check on you" Sage said.
"Yeah so? Being knocked out can be pretty serious"
"I don't know how to say this but she took the virgin tests when you were unconscious." Connie said looking at the ground.
"What?" once again my body froze up.
"We tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen, even Billy tried to keep you in his room but nothing worked." Connie answered.
"She assumed you didn't like needles and that's why you ran off.. so she thought it would be good doing it when you weren't awake." You could hear the heartbreak in Sages voice.

The Academy
FanfictionEight... the number of boarding schools I've been to in the two last years. I wish I could say I was disappointed in myself, but I wasn't. I didn't care about "education" or making friends "for life" what a load of bullshit. When I turned eighteen I...