Chapter 4

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Connie and Sage were both really worried about me because of the incident I had with Alex. They never wanted me to walk around alone at any time of the day. We were all getting ready for out last class of the day when the girls tried to warn me about him.

"I really think you need to be careful Chels, I have never seen him so angry before. Or even hurt a girl that much psychically in the middle of a corridor." Connie said worried.

"He alway's gets what he wants, no submissive has ever said no to him." Sage said.

"Guys, it was only one time and not much damage came out of it. I've been in worse fights then that with girls half my size. You seriously don't need to worry about me, ill be fine."

"Just don't go crazy if someone tries to slap you in the ass again!" Sage said with her eyes wide open.

"Or kick them in the balls, or argue back with a dominant." Connie said pointing at me.

I sighed turning to face both the girls. "I haven't seen him for the past couple of days. Besides, he can't even do anything sexual unless I sign that stupid contract."

We all started to walk to class.

"I still can't believe Harry just stared and watched you practically get beaten up. I mean, I did catch him a couple of times eyeing you off" Sage said tilting her head.

"Ehh really? I mean he's very attractive but god he must have some serious issues."

"Well he is known to be the toughest dominant, he probably loved watching it. But the staring part is a bit off!" Connie said sounding slightly surprised.

We stopped outside the classroom door waiting for our teacher to let us in.

I started laughing. "I haven't even noticed Harry staring, such a creepy guy. I mean who comes back to school so you can punish misbehaving girls... then again who even comes to a school like this. He's obviously psychotic."

The girls both looked like they had seen a ghost. Shit! I must have upset them.

"Oh sorry guys! I keep forgetting that you two are here happily with your boyfriends, I don't think you guys are weird at all." I said hoping they would forgive me.

They still both just stared at me, but now with blank faces. Great, the only people I have made friends with in a long time are now going to hate me.

*cough cough*

I turned around slowly to make eye contact with green eyes. Fuck, it was Harry! Did he just hear everything I said. He must of read my mind because he answered me very quickly.

"You should really learn how to keep your mouth shut." He said staring down at me.

I nodded and turned back around facing the girls. We all just stood there in complete silence as other girls arrived for the class, today we didn't have our doms with us.

Finally I see our teacher walking towards us. Right before he opened the door Harry stood in front of me.

"And by the way. I will be helping teach the class today." He said with a smirk.

As we all sat down I kept wondering what his comment meant. I mean we have a theory class today, why does that even matter if he is helping out.

"Okay class today is suppose to be a theory session but we are switching it with tomorrows practical. We are going to show you how to position yourself when your dominant is hitting you with a silicone paddle. Harry will be demonstrating, so if they're aren't any volunteers he's going to chose someone." Andrew said nodding to the class.

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