Chapter 12

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"I swear to god this place is getting worse.." I mumbled through my hands.

"No it's just really bad for you and know one else haha." Connie said.

We were all in class today which was a nice change until the senior boys came in.

"I have a feeling this was Alex's idea to put them in our class." Justin said looking over at them.

"Of course.. who else would change the rules so suddenly." Sage eyed off the boys that were standing in the corner.

We waited a few more minutes until our new teacher came in. His name was Johnny, he was tall and extremely pale with blonde hair... very creepy looking if you ask me. We started the class off going through the motions of placing a submissive on any flat surface, for example a table and whipping them with a flogger. I sat there not paying attention because of the lack of sleep I got last night. All I could think about was Harry.. not in a sexual way but more of a I want to kick him in the face way, sure he was extremely good looking but fuck me he was so annoying and rude. I started scrunching my eyebrows together thinking about how much I dislike him.

"Oi shit head, we are getting into groups now." Billy snapped his fingers in front of my face. We all had to get into groups and start practising with the flogger. There was six tables in the classroom and as usual everything would mind there own business and get on with the job.

"I love the flogger!" Sage said ready for the fun to begin.. well fun for her anyway.

"Really? I've never liked it." Connie sulked.

"I don't either.. it doesn't feel like you're doing anything when hitting someone." Jesse agreed.

Sage and Justin went first for around 10 minutes or so. We all had to watch and tell each other where they could be going wrong. Our conversations flowed like normal until we got interrupted by someone walking into the door, and to my luck it was Harry. I turned my back not wanting to look at him.

"Chelsea, can you please come up here." Johnny said signalling me over.

"Alex would like you to be his partner for today." He said looking over to Alex. I turned around with one eyebrow up glaring at them the best that I could.

"Ahh I'm already partnered with Billy."

"True but it's only for this one class and he demanded you, with the new rules and all you have to listen okay." Johnny was trying to sound stern but his creepy whiteness overpowered him. I walked slowly over to the boys staring at Billy hoping he will get me out of this situation. He got my hint and went over to me to see what was going on.

"Sorry guys Chelsea is my submissive and will be helping me today." Billy smiled and directed me back towards our group until someone was holding me back by my arm.

"Nice try Billy but she is staying here with me, I haven't done flogging in along time and would really love to practise on her." Alex's eyes wondered up and down my body.

"She has been assigned to me therefore whatever I says goes Alex." Billy now stood in front of me.

"Don't bother protecting her she's not worth it." Jake laughed in the back round.

"Now boys what is the issue here." Johnny was standing between us all.

"Sir Chelsea is assigned to me and will be partnering with me for this class, she already agreed to it." Billy looked at me and I naturally started nodding even though he was lying.

"I want her for this class so she's coming with me." Alex pushed his chest out trying to act tough.

They all looked at me as in I had to make the decision. There isn't any rule about two different dominants asking you for something at the same time.

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