Chapter 13

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Edward invited all the three virgins to his office to explain how the formal event works. There were a few rules we had to go by;

Rule 1: If a dominant wishes to have one on one time with you before they bid, there will be a special room for you to talk privately.

Rule 2: No virgins will be able to drink any alcohol.

Rule 3: Once a dominant has won, he must take his new submissive to their room after the night has ended.

Rule 4: For the first two weeks the submissive must not leave their dominants room.

Rule 5: No contract is needed so you must obey everything the dominant asks for. If not, there will be extreme punishment.

The other two girls were beautiful, and funnily enough, they were twins. Both were average height, slender with light reddish hair, deep blue eyes and freckles scattered around their face. When Edward was explaining the rules they both seemed really interested and happy that they got to be sold off. Of course, I just sat there not paying attention and staring out the window. I didn't make any eye contact with Edward because of the flogging incident today. Like father like son, which means I'm fucked no matter what. Right before us girls left he called me back in and told me that he can't wait for me to be around a lot more... I assume that meant Alex is the one that will be buying me. Even if he doesn't have the highest bid, his father probably will cheat and give me to him anyway.

Next day.

Today went super fast leading up to the formal event. Us three girls got escorted up to some fancy room on the top floor of the academy. We had beauty therapists preparing us for tonight. They did our waxing, hair, makeup, nails. Anything you could think of, they did. The two twins wore the same dress. It was right below the knee, fitted, and a light peachy gold colour with a halter neckline. Mine was long to the floor and fitted like a simple mermaid dress and had a sweetheart neckline. Of course I had to have the white dress, which shows that you're "pure". My makeup was simple and bronzed, with my hair pushed to the side with big wavy curls. I would have loved what I looked like but considering the situation I couldn't feel anything apart from anger. Before we entered the event Connie and Sage were waiting for me out the front. Connie was wearing a light grey long dress with a slit and Sage was wearing a long black flowy dress, they both looked beautiful.

"Oh my, you look amazing!" Connie squealed, all I did was sigh in response.

Sage walked over holding my hand.
"I know this isn't right but don't worry, everything will turn out fine." She had a soft smile on her face which helped me calm down.

"Okay, let's get this over and done with."
We all walked in together. The doors pushed open into the dining hall which was completely transformed.

White and gold drapes covered the hall, not showing one piece of the original walls. Fairy lights were lightly placed around the edge and white roses covered every table. The hall was so dreaming and angel like. There was a podium at the end with three boxes that had all of the virgins names on them. All of the guys were in the same black and white suit with either a black bow tie or a tie and all of the girls had long or knee length dresses in multiple colours. We walked around a little admiring the decorations that they did on such short notice, before we spotted our boys tucked away in the corner drinking and eating.

"Wow, girls you all look amazing." Jesse said.

"Why thank you." Connie winked.

"How amazing does the hall look?!" Sage clapped her hands.

"Calm down babe, it's just decorations." Justin laughed and pulled Sage closer to him.

"Try not to stress and try to have a little fun." Billy whispered in my ear.

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