My eyes slowly opened adjusting to the light. I stretched out before flinching at the pain in my back and stomach. I glanced up not noticing where I was. The room was grey and white with two huge windows, two bed side tables with a matching wardrobe and the bed was huge with soft grey silk sheets. I was wearing a flannel shirt and plain black underwear...this was defiantly not mine. I turned around noticing the blood patches imprinted on the sheets, that's when I realized what happen last night. The memories slowly flooding back.
I slowly pulled my legs to the side of the bed and reached for the door. I opened it which lead into a huge living space, it was simple but very modern. I wondered around the room hoping I could find a clue to help me find out where I was. I noticed a wall with photos so I headed over to have a look, my eyes widened as a realized who lived here.... Harry.
"Good morning."
I jumped and turned around, he was at the top of the stairs staring down at me. He was shirtless, just wearing tracksuit pants, as much as I thought he was a creep god he was so good looking. I was in shock so I stood there in silence.
He walked over to me."How do you feel."
"Umm still sore in my stomach and back." I said looking down.
"Here take some of these." He headed over to the table reaching for two tablets and some water, I took them without hesitation.
"How did you find me last night."
"Last night? Chelsea you have been here for four days."
"When I found you I took you to my room and called the doctor to come help straight afterwards. She cleaned you up and gave you a few needles, you have been sleeping everyday. My doctor said it was normal because of the needles she gave you." He said tilting his head.
I was speechless, I wanted to cry but I was too confused by the situation.
"Come, have some breakfast you're probably starving." He pulled on my hand directing me into the dining room.
We both stat there eating in silence. This was weird, I mean he kind of threatens me in class and then takes care of me for four days? I'll be the first one to say I've pissed him off a few times, so why would he help me. To top it off he wouldn't stop staring at me, I mean when you catch someone looking at you normally they turn away... he didn't.
I was fiddling with my food trying to avoid looking up, my pain had slightly gone down but I was struggling to breath. I placed my hand on my back feeling a small amount of blood coming through my shirt, I looked down at my hand analyzing the dark red colour.
"Would you like to take a shower?" He said in his deep raspy voice.
"Yes please."
"Walk out the door down the stairs and it's the last room on the left." He said pointing in the direction.
I nodded heading towards the door. Half way down the stairs I started to feel faint, I held onto the rail trying to regain my breath until I lost control of my legs and fell down. I winced at the pain trying to stand back up.
I heard Harry running through the door. "What happened?"
"I just felt faint and fell, I'm fine." I tried to stand up but it was too painful.
"Let me help you." He said crouching down.
"No! I'm fine." I looked up at him and I could see him rolling his eyes.
Harry scooped me up and started walking me to the bathroom. "Seriously Harry put me down!"
He ignored me and stat me on the bath, I pushed myself up but I could feel myself getting dizzy.
"I'm going to help shower you." He said picking up the towels on the rack.
"What.. no I'm capable of doing it myself."
"Really?" He said raising an eyebrow.
"Really." I took a few steps forward and almost fell down again before Harry caught me.
"Yeah, I can totally see that, anyway it's not like I haven't seen it all before."
"That's not the point, I'll just wait until I feel better."
"You can't, the wounds on your back will get infected." I could see that he was starting to get angry.
I went quite knowing he was right, but couldn't I just soak in the bath without him being here.
"No the bath isn't an option either, stop being stubborn and undress."
"You can't tell me what to do.."
"Oh trust me." He took a step closer "I can." His green eyes were intense, this is the Harry I remembered.
"Fine! but turn around." He did as I asked, I slowly took off my shirt with struggle and then my underwear. I kept turning around making sure he was facing the other way. I picked up the big towel that was on the sink and wrapped myself in it. He turned around and helped me over to the shower, he opened the door and turned the water on. I just stood there staring at my feet.
"Come on then." He lifted me softly and placed me into the shower, he pulled my towel off me and I attempted to cover myself. The hot water felt so good against my skin, soothing my aching muscles. I let my arms fall down as I started to relax, suddenly I felt Harry behind me.
I shuffled forward trying to increase the distance between us.
"I'm not going to hurt you Chelsea." He voice was gently.
I took a deep breath as he reached for the shampoo, I was tense when he started washing my hair. It took about one minute before I relaxed into the situation, I was concentrating on the hot water and my breathing. Once he finished washing my hair he took a loofah and body wash.
"Shit." It started stinging all over my back.
"Sorry, this has special stuff in it to help the wounds heal." He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer, I tried to resist it but he wouldn't let me.
"Relax." His voice cooed in my ear.
I leaned back into his body, feeling his muscles on my back. He spent the next few minutes washing my body, he was so gentle for someone who was supposed to be the harshest dominant at this school. His touch felt so good, nothing like I have experienced before.
"Hold on to the shower head while I get us a towel."
He came back in and turned the water off. He wrapped me in a towel and pulled me out, I was sitting on the bath tub again as he dried me off. I stared at his torso admiring the tattoos.
"How many do you have?" I said gazing up at him.
"Too many." He said smiling down at me. "Now I don't have any of your clothes so I'm giving you some of mine."
He pulled over a white t shirt and pulled on some baggy sweats.
"You look good in my clothes." He said smirking.
I couldn't help but remember what Alex said to me a couple of days ago, "You look good underneath me" I pulled my head down and started to cry.
"I didn't mean to upset you." He pulled me closer to him.
"It's not you."
"Who? who hurt you the other night?" He was now holding onto my face.
I kept quite, I don't know why but I couldn't say his name.
"Can I go back to bed?"
"Sure, but I'm guessing there is blood on the sheets so ill put you in mine."
As soon as Harry scooped me up I drifted off to sleep, his skin was so warm and he surprisingly felt safe.

The Academy
FanfictionEight... the number of boarding schools I've been to in the two last years. I wish I could say I was disappointed in myself, but I wasn't. I didn't care about "education" or making friends "for life" what a load of bullshit. When I turned eighteen I...