Chapter 11

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Harry slid from his bed and walked over to the cupboard. He groaned when he couldn't find what he was looking for and then left the room. I tried to release myself from the rope but it was way too tight. After a few minutes have passed by he walks back in holding a paddle and slowly wondered over to the bed.

"Why do you insist on creating trouble for yourself?" He said as he sat next to me.

Of course being the smart ass that I am, I listened to what he said previously and didn't answer. I looked straight up into the ceiling trying to avoid his eye contact. It didn't work because he started to straddle me, now holding my chin with one of his hands.

"When I ask you a question you will answer me." His voice was harsh but I still refused to speak. The paddle was raised in the air and slammed onto my thighs. I closed my eyes flinching at the pain.

"I'm trying to help you and you still disobey me!" He hissed.


"Don't speak to me like that!" He then flipped me onto my stomach which twisted the rope even more. Now my ass was in the air again due to the shortness of my skirt. He hit me with the paddle twice this time, and rubbed it afterwards.

"Just fucking let me go! If I need to be punished it's up to Mr Percy remember NOT YOU!"

He flipped me back over so we were looking at each other again. He looked furious.. his green eyes turned a darker with small hints of black throughout them. He didn't say anything apart from stare at me.

"What the hell is your problem? Just untie me!" You could hear how irritated I was in my voice.

"You are seriously the most disobedient and annoying person I have ever met. Know one has ever disobeyed me like this before."

"So let me go then if I annoy you so much, I hate you, you hate me lets move on here." I said rolling my eyes.

All he could do was groan with frustration. He pushed himself up scrunching his fists together, he then stormed out slamming the door behind him.

"So what the hell am I supposed to do now?" I said to myself. I tried to wriggle out of the ropes but it was no use. How could so many bad things happen to me in such a short time frame, and to make things worse I don't know who I dislike more.. Harry or Alex. I laid there thinking about how horrible the both of them were when I drifted off to sleep. I must have slept for a few hours because when I woke up I was untied. As soon as I realized I jumped out of bed heading towards the door, I slowly opened it trying not to make a sound which seemed to go well until I reached his stupid stairs and tripped down them... again. I lied there for a moment hoping the he wasn't here to hear me, once I heard no noise I got up again and made it to the front door! I sighed with relief thanking the gods above until the door wouldn't open.

"That motherfucker." I whispered to myself, before I felt someones breath at the back of my neck.

"Where do you think you're going?" His voice made the hairs of my neck stand up. I slowly turned around looking at his eyes which were coming annoyingly familiar.

"Unlock the door and let me leave." I said standing my ground even though Harry was ten times taller than I was.

"No, I can't." His voice was stern.

"Yes you can."


I groaned and screamed. "WHY NOT!?"

Before I could blurt anymore words out Harry pinned me to the wall and started kissing me. His tongue tried to gain access but I didn't let him, I attempted to push him away but he then grinded his hips against mine. I pulled my head to the side hoping the kiss would disconnect but it didn't. His strong lean body was completely pressed against mine and I knew there was no escaping, I tried to keep still not giving him any reaction so he would stop... and suddenly he did.

"Jesus christ." I sighed to myself leaning my head against the door when suddenly Harry dropped to his knees and started kissing and sucking on my thighs which caught be by surprise.

"What are you doing?" A tiny moan slipped out at the end..

His touch was soft yet so forceful at the same time. His kisses started on the outside of my thigh and gradually made there way higher. I squeezed my legs tight but he ripped them open without any effort. His breath was heavy and getting hotter by the second, every kiss leaving me weaker and weaker...

"Harry... stop.." I begged.

"Shhh." His voice echoed into the room. Strong hands suddenly made there way up cupping my ass and pinching it. I started to worry, my head wanted to leave but my body wouldn't listen. My skirt was now lifted up into the cool air, he was so close to having me until.

*Knock Knock* "Harry its Oliver the new teacher, we start class in 10 minutes."

The voice scared me half to death so I ended up kneeing Harry in the face.

"Oh shit.." I held my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh, he was completely flat on the ground.

He grunted at the disruption of the moment. " I swear I'm going to kill that guy." He whispered under his breath. He stood back up slowly making his way closer to me, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. Instead of unlocking the door like a normal person he pushed up against me one more time while unlocking it. He wrapped one arm around my waist and took a deep breath while grunting somewhat at the end, his eyes were piercing straight threw me.

"So can I leave now?" I asked him looking off to the side. Harry didn't say anything, just continuing to stare. The door was now pushed open and he released his grip, I took a step backwards eyeing him off to make sure he didn't pull me back in.

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