Chapter 9

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It has been a week since my conversation with the Head master and Edward, but nothing had seemed to change after that day. I couldn't help but be a bit on edge because of the words Edward spoke "A full submissive" it just freaked me out! Billy was so good and we haven't had any troubles with getting caught, and doing the wrong thing. The teachers were always really happy with our work in class and I guess you could say we have gotten away with it, all I did was pray that no one would catch us.

The week was pretty normal compared to others, the routine was the same. Those pricks didn't seem to be around a lot but whenever they were I could swear they would constantly be staring at the back of my head, I wish I could hit them all. Harry on the other hand continued to ignore me like nothing had ever happened. He even had a different girl in his room every night, he's such a fucking asshole! He didn't have anyone in his room before that night and apparently only has girls that need a lot of discipline. So clearly every girl in this stupid place is now a bad egg.

After our first class this morning everyone was called to the dining room for an emergency meeting. I had a feeling it would be about the new head master taking place but I guess it went a lot more worse than that. As we all walked in sitting in our usual places I could see Edward standing at the very front of the room, but with a few new faces, mostly older people which I assumed were teachers.

"What the hell is going on? I was excited to go back to my room and sleep!" Connie yelled.

"I don't know but this doesn't seem like good news." Billy said biting his lip.

"Thank you all for coming! As most of you would know my name is Edward Percy, my family founded this beautiful academy." He said smiling at the crowd.

I rolled my eyes and gave him the finger under my table.

"Nobody cares." Justin whispered to us all.

"I hope you have all had a good start to the year, but I'm here to make a few changes. Stefan your head master has gone to the other academy to take over Mrs Leavens job because she is very ill. I have been going over your files and I'm not impressed with the discipline of the submissives. So because of the standard I expect from this academy there are going to be a few rule changes, ones that were around when I was at this school." His smile was now slightly evil.

Half the room started clapping for some unknown reason, I swear some of these students are brainwashed. I rolled my eyes again not paying attention to what he was saying next. My tilted head slowly scanned the room until I met with intense green eyes, Harry was staring at me and he wouldn't look away. I was so mad about his rude behaviour that I squinted my eyes back and gave him the finger.

"Starting from tomorrow the new rules will be in place, but I would like to announce one now. I'm going to let my son Alex tell you all." He turned around signalling Alex to come on stage.

"You've got to be kidding me, Edward is Alex's father!" My voice rose but Billy held his hand against my mouth.

"You didn't know that?" Sage whispered.


"So starting bright and early with the practical class tomorrow seniors will now be joining the classes. My father thinks it's a great way to teach not only the younger dominants but also the submissives." Alex said sounding cocky and proud.

Before anyone could react Edward started talking again.

"I have the new rules typed and are placed in everyone's rooms. Please read them and remember them, I expect everyone to follow them by tomorrow. That is all." Edward walked over to Alex and everyone walked out the dining hall. Everyone seemed happy which seemed a bit odd. Us girls ran to our room so we could see the "new rules" that were in place.

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