Chapter 7

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3 days later and I was still at Harry's place in the academy. He was rarely here because he was assisting teachers with there classes. He told me not to go anywhere so I just sat around watching TV and reading books that were scattered everywhere. A nurse came in when he wasn't here to check my wounds and help me with hygiene. All I could think about was when he showered me the first day I woke up, he was so soft and gentle which was surprising due to his reputation. What was more surprising is that it felt so good.

The next morning Harry was here for breakfast, normally everyone has it in the dining hall but he requested it to be here. I tried to analyze him but I was getting nothing, I just stared at him wondering what he was all about. To me he seemed boring but how could he be when he's at a school like this.

"Is there something you need?" He said looking up at me.

Crap! he noticed me staring. "Ahh, nope."

"Well it seems like you want to ask me something." This time is was reading his paper.

I shook my head and started fiddling with my food, today was fruit and yogurt. I eyed off my apple and decided to throw it at him.

"Do you mind?" He said slightly pissed off..

I waited a little longer until I threw another piece, this time with no reaction. I then slowly picked up my spoon circling my yogurt...

"Don't even think about it." He still didn't look up.

I put the spoon down to pick up more yogurt and threw it as hard as I could.... it landed all over his face dripping down his shirt. I couldn't help but start laughing hysterically, until I looked back up.

"You're dead." He threw the paper down.

"Oh oh." I jumped up and accidentally took the chair down with me.

I ran straight to the room I was sleeping in and shut the door. It was silent for a few minutes, maybe he went to the bathroom to clean up. I opened the door poking my head out.

"Harry?" I whispered his name.

"Got ya!" He pulled me by my arm and held me up against the wall.

"Why do you have to cause trouble?" He said in an angry voice.

"Because pissing you off is fun." I smiled.

He stared at me for a moment, the anger in his eyes slowly turned into lust. He pulled my arms over my head then pressed his lips onto mine, I was shocked by the invitation but I didn't fight back. The kiss was soft and slow but it turned intense and urgent very quickly. He let go of my arms stroking the curve of my back, it was stinging but the pleasure overpowered the pain. I raised my hands up into his hair and pulled ever so slightly.

"Chelsea." He moaned deeply.

His hands reached down to my thighs picking me up and placing me onto the nearest table, our lips never lost the connection. He was touching every inch of my body being careful of the places I was hurt, his touch was electrifying and his smell was even more intoxicating. I didn't want it to end until he held my face with his hands.

"You're going back to your classes today, your uniform is in the spare room." He walked away leaving me on the table.

I got up and headed towards the room, I quickly got dressed and did my makeup and hair too. I sat there for a while trying to figure out what the hell was going on. I walked out finding Harry in the lounge room.

"Thanks for everything, I..." He cut me off.

"Leave you're going to be late."


"Leave!" His voice was angry again.

I walked passed him bumping into him on purpose, slamming the door behind me. What a fucking prick! How can someone be so nice and then rude the next, he was so hot and cold with me. You don't kiss someone like that, care for them for almost a week and then kick them out! I walked to my room abusing him in my head, I was certainly right about him being fucked.

"Chelsea!!" Both girls said as I walked into our room.

"Where the hell have you been! We heard about what happened and thought you would be in the nurses wing." Connie said.

"I've been in Harry's room." I said jumping onto my bed.

"What.......the.......fuck?" Sage said extremely slowly.

"Why?" They both said together.

"He was the one who found me."

"Well that was unexpected, I thought he hated you?" Connie said walking over to me.

"Nope, pretty sure the asshole still does!"

"Okayyy, well I hope you're feeling better because we need to leave for class now." Sage said pulling me up.

"We can talk about it at lunch with everyone else." Connie nodded.

I groaned at the fact that we needed to go to class, at Harry's I forgot where I was and how screwed up this place really is.

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