Chapter 2

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One month has gone since I've been in the academy. Within the first week I've tried to escape twice... obviously it didn't work. I swear they have hundreds of guards waiting in the corner hoping to catch someone. I was so close the second time around, but right before I reached the back gates a guard was of course waiting for me. Surprisingly I was never punished, a few teachers thought I should of been but the Master never agreed to it. Grace did informed me that I had to stay in my room for 5 days to "calm down" I hate to admit it but I guess it did work. During that time my two roommates Sage and Connie were teaching me all the rules about being a submissive, they made it sound a lot less harmless than I originally thought. The only rule that really stuck in my mind was rule 2.

Rule 2: No Dominant will have not sex with a submissive unless they sign a special contract and that the submissive is willing to have sex with the Dominant.

A couple of more weeks went by and I was finally assigned a Dominant Billy. From a far he seemed nice but hey you never know with a BDSM school. The girls luckily told me all about him.

"You're so lucky!" said Sage with a jealous tone

"Billy is one of the nicest guys on campus, Laura one of the younger girls had him and apparently he doesn't force anything on his sub." said Connie with a huge smile on her face.

"Well that's good but why is he even here then?" I said with a confused look on my face.

"You can ask him when we have class tomorrow! We are learning how to whip someone without leaving a mark." Connie said winking at my multiple times.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes at her and went straight to sleep.

Next day.

Getting up in the morning was always a little difficult. All the girls had to have there hair and makeup perfect for there dominants during class. It was a little frustrating but not as annoying as the uniform we had to wear. Everything was normal..classic navy and red colours with a blazer, shirt and tie but the girls had short plaid skirts with knee high socks, and if you had to bend over your ass was surely hanging out.

My first class was in Billy's room, so we could get to know each other and he could explain to me the rules I had to go by. As I entered I carefully accessed the area, everything was mostly black which didn't surprise me. Tons of chains, rope and handcuffs scattered around the room. A lot of the "tools" he had I was very unfamiliar with, he directed me to the bed and sat next to me.

"Hi I'm Billy." he said with a beautiful smile on his face.

surprisingly I smiled back. "Hi I'm Chelsea."

"I heard about your situation and I'm sorry you didn't get a choice for being here, but the good news is I'm not going to force you to do anything."

"Thank god!" I said with sigh of relief. "But why?"

"This school runs in my family, all my brothers and cousins must attend here for at least 5 years. Stupid tradition but you've got to do certain things to please your family."

"Yeah I would totally do that for my family." I said sarcastically. "How do we get away with that though? Wont teachers and other students get suspicious?"

"I've been doing this for 3 years now, I think I have it mastered. We just need to work together when around others, especially other Dominants. So if I ask you to do something for me, please obey that request. You have half of your classes with the other submissives and half of the classes with the Dominants. When we are together in class we just practise new techniques and moves and need to show the teachers that we know exactly what we are doing. Occasionally we do the trick in front of the class but normally the show off pairs are the ones that do it." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Okay then Master, what should we practise first." I said picking up the whip and winking at him.

He pulled the whip out of my hand and tapped me on the head with it "First we practise bondage, I'll show you how to position yourself so you don't get hurt and are comfortable."

We were in Billy's room for about two hours until a message on the sound system told us to go to lunch. We both sat with Sage, her Dominant Justin and Connie with her Dominant Jesse.

"Wait, wait wait.. both of you guys are couples? like girlfriend and boyfriend?" I said with one eyebrow raised.

"Yep! Our families both paired us together, so we have known each other for years and I guess it just went a little deeper." Sage said gazing into Justin's eyes.

"Please stop before I throw up my food." Billy said gagging.

"Come on you two, its the perfect situation. We both really trust each other." said Justin.

"Is that even aloud? Doesn't that break the whole dom and sub scenario?"

"Yes and no." Connie said before Jesse interrupted her.

"Because our families have been at this school for decades, they let us become a couple."

"Why didn't you guys tell me before? I mean we do share the same room and I thought we were close." I said jokingly flicking my hair to the side.

"We thought you would be upset.. because you didn't willingly come here and we thought it would make the situation worse." Connie said looking down at her food.

"That's okay, I have a my own man and he's all I ever need." Looking seductively at Billy.

The entire group started pissing themselves laughing. This is when I released that this school wasn't so bad, I was lucky to have the right people surrounding me. I never tried to make friends at any of the other boarding schools but these guys were different, they understood why I was angry and just rolled with it. They were like family.

A few more weeks went past and I improved with the poses and techniques Billy taught me. He always reminded me to remember them like a dance routine, which didn't make much sense at all... but I went with it. We could never take it seriously though, constantly joking around when we were alone. But I wasn't getting into trouble which was the main issue at the start. Even the Master was impressed with my improvement. Everything seemed to settle down and I accepted the academy more and more each day. But that all changed when the senior boys arrived.

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