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The wind whipped around her face her long, snowy white hair streaming out of her braid behind her as she soared through the air on the back of her dragon, Anith, who was a fierce beast with scales as black as night the tips of her wings and tail turning silver. Anith was dragon royalty, known as the Queen of all dragons.

Tamira was on her way back home from a border patrol, she had been gone for nearly three weeks now and could not wait to see her family again. It would only take an hour more of flight to reach her city but that was not what caused her rush. It was the clouds of billowing smoke heading up into the sky that had Tamira worried.

'Anith are you able to see what is causing that smoke?' Amira asked through the bond a rider and their mount gained when they were chosen by one of the hundred of unbounded dragons.

'The smoke is getting in the way I can't see past it' That was the only reply she got from Anith

Tamira was a warrior destined to be Queen of the Riders, but when she arrived her home was been raveged by uruk hai and all of her people slaughtered. Wrecked by guilt and grief she noticed only one thing the dead Uruk bore the white hand of the wizard Saruman the White. One clear thought went through her head, she would kill him.


Hi welcome or welcome back this is just a brief introduction setting a foundation of the story. Some history is that Tamira is a only child of a ancient race that in my idea would've appeared soon after the Noldor left valinor to return to Middle earth and had aided in the battles with Morgoth but have hidden since before the first war with Sauron and have been mostly forgotten they have been hiding in a ring of mountains living similarly to how the people of Gondolin did. They had been good friends of Faenor and his sons therefore were and hated and also feared by Sauron. The Uruks gained entrance to their home by a secret tunnel for you could only fly over the mountains. Tamira was only a child born not long after the first war with saruman for the ring ended and her mother was killed by the witch King her father was king of their race and took no other wife. Their race have hunted orcs in secret since.

Well that ended up being not quite as brief as I hoped but it will help knowing that in the long run. Picture at the top is Tamira.
Word count: 452.

From H.

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