To Helms Deep

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It was evening now and Gandalf called upon me to meet with him along with the fellowship and a few from Rohan. I'd been left alone for a while and was starting to become anxious and wonder about this journey that I had joined for originally because it would bring her one step closer to killing Saruman but now it seemed like the old wizard was trying to rope her in to joining the fellowship and so, naturally, she began to pester Anith with her problems.

'Why do you think he asked me here? I'm not even a part of there fellowship, why would they want me of all people?'

'Tamira slow down-'

'I shouldn't have agreed to accompany them I should have just gone straight to Saruman!'

'Tamira, please listen to me... Gandalf is a wizard I'm sure he knows what he is doing and they're going to need all the help they can get'

'it's just... ' She sighed and took a breath emotional thinking would not help her in this situation she needed to think rationally. 'you are probably right as usual, where did gain all this knowledge?'

She waited a moment for an answer but received none, if only she had as much wisdom as Anith then maybe she would be able to find a way to tell the people of Rohan and their King that she rode a dragon without them fearing for their lives. Tamira deciding she could not delay any longer pushed open the doors to the hall. Walking in with a purpose in her step, she had to show them she was not some simple minded housewife, reminding herself that she was a warrior and would face it all head on no matter how confused she truly was.

Quickly my gaze swept the hall lingering on each person until they stopped on the lady Eowyn, or more specifically the two children who were sitting next to her wrapped in blankets. The children, a young girl and her older brother, she soon learned had rode here from the Westfold which had felt fully the consequences of this war with their  villages being massacred and burned similarly to hers and being caused by the same person, Saruman would pay for every life he took even if it was the last thing she did.

The children did not even know where their mother was it was and it broke whatever tiny piece of my heart was left whole that they went thrpugb this but it stirred the king and led Theoden to the conclusion that war was coming and would soon be upon them. It was chosen that we would head for the stronghold of Helms deep it would be defensible yes and would last under siege but unless gandalf managed to find the Rohirrim in time we would all be killed no matter how defendable Helms deep was. Hope's were dimmed as the people of Rohan rushed to pack the necessities and be on the road to Helms deep.

I was already prepared to leave not having unpacked in the first place and had looking for somewhere to sit for the time being when legolas joined me. It was obvious he had something to say so I waited. "I trust in gandalfs decision in bringing you into this quest" He began thinking his words out catefully. "but I still know near to nothing about you" I looked up from were I had been studying my hands to his face, trying to figure out wether he genuinely wanted to know me or if there was another motive.

It was strange I had no one other then Anith and yet it was harder then ever to truly let people know me. I had always had a mask on my face around my people they only ever saw me as a warrior and their future queen an unyeilding force of nature blessed that Anith had chosen me as her rider and even my close friends had too be kept at arms length due to my duties.

'Tamira he is trustworthy you will need allies in this war, not just allies but friends'

'Anith you know that I trust your choice but I'm not sure how this will go'


Try, that one word seemed to rattle through me, try and talk to Legolas, try and let people in to my heart which I had guarded so fiercely throughout my whole life, try. And then I had made my decision.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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