Hail Theoden King

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The hall was dimly lit with paintings on the wall and fires were blazing throughout the room the heat stifling and the air was stuffy and still, I could see all the windows shut despite it not being cold oitside. Sitting on a throne at the end of the hall was the King of Rohan, he looked aged beyond his years with chalky white skin and clouded grey eyes while standing beside him was a man with greasy black hair as well as looks resembling that of a snake, it was a sore sight to see.

"The courtesy of this hall has been somewhat lessened of late" Gandalf stated obvious facts. The worm muttered something into Theodens ear.
"Why should I welcome you here stormcrow?" Theodens managed to say, it was easy to see that the advisor was doing no good and had complete control over the King and therefore having control over the kingdom. It made sense now why the people were so wary of us.
"Late is the hour the conjuror chooses to appear, ill news is an ill guest. " The snake hissed, my blood boiled at just the sound of his voice how could they let such a man near the people of Edoras, someone should have just stood up and beheaded him already! Everyone would have been better for it. I stared at him looking as calm and emotionless as possible, it made him making him flinch when I would not look away, it was nice too know that people were still so easily scare people with my gaze. Back home I had been told that when I was angry instead of fire behind my eyes it was ice.
"Be silent! Keep your forked tounge behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to have bandy crooked word with a witless worm!" Shouted gandalf, he pointed his staff at the miserable man.

Gandalf was right.

Wormtounges eyes widened in fear, he shouted to the door warden.
"His staff! I told you to take the wizard staff!" Quickly men who were not part of the guard but had been skulking in the shadows came forward rushing in from all sides ready to attack Gandalf. Our company rushed to his aid fighting the men with our bare hand, I wasn't willing to reveal that I had snuck a knife in just yet, and still easily took down all the men. I fought my way over to Wormtongue where he'd retreated away from the fighting into a corner and once I reached him quickly punched him in the side making him double over in pain siezed the knife I'd kept hidden and putting it to his throat pushing it just enough to draw a small amount of blood.
"I would stay still if I were you" I whispered threateningly into his ear. The others had taken down the rest of the men and Gandalf was now facing Theoden again. Aragorn looked at me checking that I had Grima under control, he gave me a nod of approval while I stood there quietly happy with my victory but at the same time disgusted at being so close to the worm.

At that moment a fair haired woman enter the room, she rushed over in the direction of the King but was stopped by Aragorn pulling her back by her arm. I watched her for a moment wondering who she was, she could be the Kings daughter, she certainly was elegant enough to be and would have resembled him slightly too if he hadn't been so old looking but then again most people in Rohan had some similar feature so my assumption could be entirely wrong.

I turned around an looked back at the throne to see a healthier looking man standing up, this was the king she had heard rumors about. The man stood and looked around the room scanning the peoplein all sorts of predicaments, people were on the floor unconscious, others crawling away and of course her company. "Your hands would remember their strength better if you were holding your sword" Spoke Gandalf as a smile graced his face. With that Theoden unsheathed his sword looking more like a true King.

His eyes shifted over to where she was standing as his gaze filled with loathing when looking at Wormtongue. Theoden motioned for two of his riders to come and take him out of her hands, as soon as Tamira was free of him she wiped her hands on her clothes and started to follow after the people who were leaving the hall.

Looking around glad that the city can have their king back if not slightly jealous that they all were all still living through Saruman attempt to ruin them when her people did not. Brought back out of her thoughts to find Aragorn stopping the King from beheading Wormtongue where he stood. Should of just let him kill the wretch the, it would make the world a better place. Aragorn spoke a few words to the man and offered him a hand up, to which Wormtongue replied by siting on it standing up and running out of Edoras most likely heading for Isengard and his master. Turning around to go back inside Tamira heard people shouting the words hail theoden king.


Tamira had spent the last few minutes lingering in the hall before the woman she had seen before came up to her. "Hello I'm Eowyn, Theodens niece would you like me to show you you're room?" Eowyn asked her voice like honey. So that was how she was related to to the king Tamira thought. This was not a situation she was used to, Tamira had had a few close friends back home and didn't interact much outside the people she knew therefore had no clue what to say. "Um... Yes, thank you, I'm Tamira."

As they walked through the halls Tamira was left to her thoughts that she had been trying so hard to ignore lately. The question of what was she going to do after she killed Saruman? She had no other purpose, she had lost everything her family, her friends, her people and her home. Maybe she could go and live as a ranger or just travel around Middle Earth but neither of those options pleased her, she wanted to be known she wanted to be able to tell people her name without fear but pride and she wouldn't be able to fulfil her duty as a ranger nor traveler.

"Here is your room, it's next to mine" Eowyn hesitated before asking the next question. "Can I ask what you are doing here?" she questioned.
"I was in Fangorn Forest headed to kill Saruman the White when Gandalf found me and asked me to join him, and I said yes" Blunt but  Tamira figured it was the best way to say it being careful not to reveal too much of her past. "Why were you headed to kill him?" This time Tamira thought about her answer not knowing if this woman could be trusted. "It was revenge... He had taken something important from me and l wanted revenge" It was risky telling the maiden even this but Tamira had decided to trust in her. "There is a funeral for Theodred the Kings son soon and you are being asked to attend, do you have a dress to wear?" Eowyn asked quietly grief still fresh, the mood between the two became much more serious at this. "No I dont have a dress only what I'm wearing" Tamira spoke realising how tattered her clothes were, she had been wearing them for more then a month now and they needed to be washed and mended. "I'll find one for you, and I can ask for your clothes to be mended as well if you would like?" "yes thank you" With that Eowyn left the room quickly.

Tamira hadn't seen her appearance for a month other then glimpses of her reflection in water so she noticed the tangled, greasy hair and the dirt on her face, sadly despite their strength and agility being nearly the same as elves the dragon riders hadn't gained the long life or ethereal beauty. Legolas was lucky he could fight a war and not have a hair out of place and here she was having travelled for a month and looking as though she had been dragged across middle earth. To make herself look more presentable she went and drew herself a bath not wanting servants around and washed her hair and face. Once she finished washing her mind wandered thoughts steering towards the hole in her chest where there had once been such love but since the attack had been replaced with hatred and sadness, survivors guilt her father would've called it. Anith tapped on her mental wall checking in obviously having felt the emotions and being worried. 'I'm fine' Tamira sent down the bond it was rude because Anith was only concerned but she had to keep it inside her, hold it together.

She had just stepped out and wrapped at towel around herself when Eowyn knocked and walked in with a black dress in hand. Tamira gave her a smile and waited for her to leave the room before finishing drying off putting the dress on and walking over to the mirror, she looked like a princess again, it scared her because it felt so wrong now.

The dress made of fine silks and likely from Lady Eowyns wardrobe was slightly small on her but not enough to bother her or be noticable

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The dress made of fine silks and likely from Lady Eowyns wardrobe was slightly small on her but not enough to bother her or be noticable. Quickly she did her hair in a braid that wrapped around her head and made her way to the start of the funeral procession.


Hi reader,
Hope your enjoying it so far I might do eomer POV at some point but I'm not sure when.
The picture at the top is Tamiras clothes.
Total word count: 1496

From H.

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