Man, Elf And Dwarf.

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'Tamira there are three people coming towards you' Anith spoke into my mind a hint of urgency in her voice.
"Gandalf there is someone coming." I muttered under my breath to the wizard who was pacing a few steps away from where I was sitting on a large stone watching the forest surrounding me.
"Ah, that must be my company" Gandalf spoke. "Quick go up a tree and wait until I call you down"
With that I stood climbed a tree until the branches were going thin with a practiced grace that made it look almost effortless. I perched on a branch trying to get comfortable and waited listening for any noises around me as Gandalf managed to create a blinding white light around himself effectively preventing people from knowing his identity the move seemed unnecessary to her but who knows maybe there was a purpose to the light that blinded her even from up in her tree.

A moment later there was Man, Elf and a Dwarf coming out from the trees. The elf who had long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes shot at the wizard who easily blocked it. The dwarf with copper red hair, and a helmet that I recognised was crafted in the forges of Erebor threw his axe at Gandalfs head but that was also easily parried by him. Then the man with brown hair dropped his sword to the ground as though it was on fire.
"You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits." Gandalf stated. "They passed this way the day before yesterday, they met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?" How would that be of any comfort at all?
"Who are you? Show yourself." The man spoke with a voice that commanded respect.

The light around Gandalf dimmed until it was no more. "It cannot be" The man spoke again a look of shock and confusion painted clearly on his face. "Forgive me, I mistook you for Saruman" The elf rushed to say feeling noticeably feeling guilty about shooting an arrow at his friend's head. "I am Saruman or rather Saruman as he should have been" Gandalf said a wistful look on has face. The wizard told a story of killing a balrog that they had found in the Mines of Moria, so that was why he had been separated from these men and explained why they were so shocked to see him they thought him dead, it was almost laughable it took more then a balrog to kill a wizard especially when that wizard was Gandalf who from the stories she heard had a history of getting out of tight spaces.
"Gandalf" Spoke the man, smiles graced the faces of the company.
"Gandalf... yes that is what they used to call me, Gandalf the Gray that was my name. I am now Gandalf the White"

My legs shifted on the tree log but being distrated by what was going on below me I stood on a pine cone, it let out a loud crack and the heads of the company whipped around to look in my direction. A string of foul curses out of my mouth. "who goes there?" The dwarf asked in a rough voice. "Reveal yourself!" The elf quickly nocked an arrow into his bow. Letting out a small sigh I swung myself down from the tree and landed on the ground with a soft thud. "Oh, did I forget to mention Tamira. She will be accompanying us for a while" Gandalf told the men. "Tamira allow me to introduce you to Aragorn son of Arathorn, Gimli son of Gloin and Legolas son of Thranduil. This is the company I told you about" Cautious of the newcomers who looked curiously at me I only gave a short nod in the trios direction despite the fact they only seemed to be important in one way or another.

I knew my history well, the man was the heif to the Gondorian throne but it wasn't so surprising everything he had done in the past few minutes of me observing then had pointed to wards him being a person of authority and the Elf was a Prince of Mirkwood and the Dwarves father had been a part of the company of Thorin Oakenshield. I'd met the company once when they had left Lake Town and as I now knew were trying to find the hidden door into the mountain, I had been hunting on foot while Anith was back at my camp tired from a long flight and came across them the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins, though I had not told him my name, had given me a couple apples as I had not found much in the way of food so close to the mountain but I remembered Gloin and now saw how the Dwarf in front of me resembled him.

"And you are?" Questioned the elf, Legolas I now knew was his name. "I am Tamira daughter of Tamforod, I came here to try kill Saruman but Gandalf asked for my assistance to you journey and that is all I need say to you" It was blunt and I knew my distrust was obvious but my people had trusted Saruman and he had butchered them, I was not ready to speak about that and so decided not to speak of her royal blood.

'Why did you not tell them of me?' Anith questioned.
'I want to find out if I can trust them before I tell them I'm a dragon rider' Is all I send back wanting to keep Anith safe and I know dwarves weren't fond of dragons after what had happened with Smaug.

"Merry and Pippin are safe with an ent, so we shall head for the city Edoras. Rohans King is ill and I think it is Saruman poisoning his mind"


Gandalf let out a shrill whistle for the second time. We had made our way out of Fangorn forest and were now on the plains of Rohan again. This time there was a horse as white as snow that came cantering straighg towards them and she could see the wildness and wisdom in his dark eyes that seemed to look straight into my sould.
"My eyes are deceiving me or is that one of the Meares" Legolas said in disbelief and I shared the feeling. The horse stopped in front of Gandalf.
"This is Shadowfax. Lord of Horses and an old friend of mine" Only then did I notice the three horses that were behind Shadowfax. Two the I did not recognise but the others clearly did and the third I recognised. It was a horse clearly bred for war with a coat that shone in the sun, his muscles rippled under his skin as he slowed and walked towards straight towards me lowering his neck to nuzzle at me and I could feeling his hot breath tickling my skin.
"Riven, how have you been?" She spoke in a soft voice. The horse stood still as she mounted him, he had no saddle or reins but that did not bother now but there was really no choice we had to go and it wasn't like I would find a saddle lying around out here, I sighed before hoisting myself on to his back I'd ridden bareback many times before and sighed knowing how much this would hurt later.


As we approached the golden Hall we also rode through the town, it was worrying when they hid their children and eyed them suspiciously but their were small looks of awe at Riven and then anger rose when they spotted Gandalf, Riven being his usual self standing proud and enjoying the attention.
"look at you bathing in the spotlight" I crooned in his ear and he shook his mighty head as if to say that he deserved the attention which, to be
Honest, he did as he had fought alongside me in many small battles.
"You could find more cheer in a grave yard" Gimli grumbled as we rode to the steps in front of the Golden Hall. Once we had all dismounted and tied the horses to posts we were just about to enter the building when they were stopped by a guard with the same sandy blonde hair I had seen on most of the people extremely different from my snowy white hair.
"I am the doorwarden of King Theoden and have to ask you to hand over your weapons before you enter." I waited unwilling to remove the familiar weight of my weapons until the others handed over there weapons before doing so to. First I unsheathed my sword then unstrapped the bow and quiver from my back and handed them over too before taking the knives out of her shoes and the longer ones on the outside of both my thighs, in holders on my forearms but left the one concealed one on my upper left arm, the Rohirric men stared at me shocked clearly wondering why a woman might have need of so many weapons, if they knew who I was and what I had been through then they would understand why I carry around so many weapons was because I might have a need for it later.
"Don't touch any of my things" I warned or more threatened the man before stepping back. The door warden looked at Gandalfs staff expevtantly. "Oh you wouldn't part an old man from his walking stick would you." As he leaned against the staff. I rushed to turn down my face down to hide the smirk that I could feel appearing. Legolas went quickly to his side as If assisting him in walking, the two are really quite a pair. Quickly before we entered the Golden Hall I looked up to see where Anith was, it took a moment before I spotted her circling in the clouds just above my head watching all that was happening and standing in lookout.


A/N: thank you for reading my story! It's the first one I've written so bear with me whilst I get better.
The picture at the top is Miralide, Tamiras horse.
Total word count: 1705

From H.

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