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"What did you just say...."

Bree gave you an annoyed look acting as if what she had just said wasn't a big deal. Well maybe to her it wasn't but to didn't know what to think.

Rolling her eyes she just said,

"Wow here I am trying to be nice to you and you're out here playing dumb. I said I'm sorry to hear about your sister."

"What about my sister!" (y/n) yelled.

You were starting to become more and more upset and you didn't know if you were going to be able to keep yourself together. Trying to keep you're mind from going to the worst case scenario you stood there waiting for her to tell you.

All she did was look at you and just give you a smug look as if she knew that what she was about to tell you would definitely give her a rise.

"Omg you can't tell me that your perfect husband didn't tell you that your crackhead sister was found dead. Apparently she had an overdose but hell what do I know. Oh wait a minute apparently I know more than you do."

With that she just looked you up and down one more time before walking away.

Before you had time to think about what you were doing you grabbed a hand full of her hair from behind and threw her to the ground. Giving you an upper hand you climbed on top of her and began punching  and hitting any part of her that you could.

"NO! YOURE LYING! NO NO NO NO!! You're lying!"

Everything from there was a blur. You hadn't even noticed that the guards who had come with you to the appointment had come to where you were, more than likely having heard your yelling. One of them wrapped an arm around you and was trying to pull you off of Bree. He was definitely stronger than you but that didn't mean that you weren't  putting all of your strength into trying to escape to get back to Bree.

Sadly no matter how much you fought he had managed to pull you off and drag you outta the room but not before hearing Bree yell back at you.

"You dumb bitch! You're sister is dead! Just you wait I'll get you back."

It didn't matter what she said at this point.

Your security guards had managed to get you in the car and were now trying to get you home but you just sat there in silence......broken.


Namjoon POV

I swear why does (Y/N) have to be so stubborn. It wouldn't have been awkward for me to go with her to the doctor. I mean I am her husband after all. Last night was a mess and it still pisses me off that this could have been so much worse. I guess it was a good think (Y/N) had gone to the doctor alone that way I can focus on meeting with the guys this morning.

Namjoon had sent a message to the group letting them know that as soon as (Y/N) had left they would meet. He didn't want her to become upset again over the situation or anything. 

Heading to the dining room he sat at the head of the table as usual and waited for them to come in one by one.

"So what do we know?" Namjoon said pushing for the members to start.

"At this point not a whole lot but from what we do know it seems that it has to deal with Samuel. That's a for sure thing we just don't know how much he's actually involved." J-Hope took the lead as he normally does.

"Also it appears that even if it is Samuel I'm almost positive he's working with others to help him," Jimin started to chime in as well.

"What I'm just completely confused on is why he is so infatuated with (Y/N)? If it was just you he was after he wouldn't have put the time and energy to catch (Y/N) alone?" Kookie was trying to process his thoughts out load but he along with the other members were at a loss.

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