Get In

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He didn't fight her anymore and she couldn't allow herself to stay there at the house it was decided when she was being driven home. As soon as (y/n) closed the door to their shared room she rushed to go out the front door not wanting to see any of the other members. When she was out of the house she was shocked to find one person standing next to a car.....J-Hope.

"Get in."

(Y/N) shook her head.

"I don't want anything to do with any of you what makes you think I would get in that car?"

"Because I have something to say and quire frankly I'm not asking so you either get in this car and listen or you stay here cause there isn't any other car. So you choose listen to me and I'll take you wherever you wanna go or stay here."

You looked around and realized that he wasn't lying. It did seem to be your only option at this point. Without saying a word you walked toward the car and as you opened the door you looked at J-Hope.

"Let's go."

With that he walked to the drivers side and got in and began to drive away from the place you had called home while in Korea.

"So are you going to tell me what you had to say or was this some plot you all made to keep an eye on me?"

"Are you always this blunt?" J-Hope said.

"It's one of my best characteristics so either start talking or just drop me off and I'll figure it out."

"Fuck it's no wonder that boy is so sprung on you. I'm sure you're the only one who isn't afraid to tell him like it is.....well other than myself of course."

Just mentioning him made your heart heavy and you could also tell that he was stalling.

"Let me out."

"Alright. Alright Im sorry. Look before anything I want you to know that Namjoon had nothing to do with your sisters death."

"If that's the case why didn't he just tell me and even if he didn't he was suppose to keep her safe!"

"Look I know your upset and I'm not saying you aren't allowed to be pissed but you also have to be open to listening alright. Yes he did make that promise but I'm sorry to be harsh life is life and shit happens. Your sister's overdose was the result of her own decisions."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry (y/n) your sister was fighting her own demons. We had eyes on her at all times but you also didn't want us to tell your sisters about the added security so we had to watch from a distance. That night from what we know she was at a party and some dude gave her some stuff. Next thing we knew it was too late."

"So why not say anything! Why couldn't he have told me that instead of waiting or better yet not saying fucking anything!"

"Because he was scared that she died because of him! That's why. When we found out and told Namjoon he was certain that she died because of him. He was convinced that someone targeted her to get to him. And while he won't admit it he was scared that he was the  reason you were going to have to go through this loss. In all honesty it was a possibility but after we looked into that guy she was with he ended up just being another dude at the party. He didn't have ties to anyone.  I'm sorry that night she had to much and it took her away......he didn't want to tell you until he knew everything...."

"This doesn't change the fact that he was wrong in not telling me."

"You're right and I'm not excusing that. Do I agree with everything he does no but I have to have the faith that it will work out. What I do know that is if he didn't care for you he wouldn't have given a damn about how you would have taken the news and how it would hurt you, but he didn't want to cause you that pain and in some twisted way he honestly thought he was trying to protect you."

"Why are you telling me this."

"Because whether I wanna admit it I care for that guy he's one of my best friends and yea we might be what we are but all of us have each other's back. Too many times has he saved all of us in one way or another. I owe it to him to try and help him save the little bit of happiness that he's found."

J-hope than turned to look at you for a second and said, "You cant look me in the eye and tell me that you don't have any feelings for that man just like he can't say he doesn't care for you either."

He was right you did but that didn't change anything the circumstances changed. It wasn't just you that you had to think about anymore.

"I do love him. But I have to do what's best for us and I'm not sure if that includes him at the moment."

Without even thinking you had moved your hand to rub on your belly as you had made the statement. Though as soon as you realized it you tried to move your hand but not before J-Hope saw.

"Who do you mean by us (y/n).....are you pregnant?"

You just sat there frozen.

"FUCK. Does he know?"

"Of course not I just found out myself! Please J-Hope you can't tell him."

"What!?! Do you know what he would do to me if he found out I kept this from him I'm sure he would cut my dick off and in case you didn't know I kinda like having that attached to my body."

"If he knew he wouldn't let me leave and I need time away from him. I have to really decide what to do and I can't do that with him around."

"Look here's what I can promise you. I won't bring it up to him but if he bring it to me I'm not going to lie to him."

"I think that's the best I'm going to get right?"

"That's right. But until then let's get you somewhere to stay that you will be safe there's still someone out looking for you."

You had forgotten that part and now you had more reason to be extra cautious about being somewhat on your own.

Authors Note:

Thank you all for giving this story so much love at all times. You make writing this story worth it. Sorry that this isn't the longest chapter! Next chapter I'll try to make longer. I purple you! 💜💜💜

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