Say it with your chest

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Namjoon POV

He knew he wasn't an innocent bystander when it came to the situation.....but it wasn't until that moment that he began to realize just what all he had done as well. It was also in this moment that he realized more than he wanted to. He saw the situation for what it finally was and not what he had been trying to tell himself . This was no longer just some business deal anymore. It hadn't been for a long time. (Y/N) truly meant something to him but more than anything he loved her.

With this realization he also began to wonder if maybe the best thing for her was to let her go.....

Never had he felt the ache he did in himself as he had right now but it wasn't about him.  No, it had always been about her, he was just too stubborn to realize it.

Namjoon once again reached for the door handle but this time taking one last look into the life they shared. He knew that what they had prior would no longer be the same but he had to do what was necessary.

Walking down the stairs he met his friends in the room that they had been in prior to (Y/N) arrival. They all looked at him not knowing what to say or even do.

"Take a seat, we have some things to discuss." There was no emotion in his voice. He was simply there to play his role.

His friends took their usual spots but still not one of them said a word.

"Where's J-Hope?" Namjoon asked the group noticing that his right hand man was no where to be seen and it was unlike him to miss a meeting.

"I saw him take (Y/N) somewhere after she came back down but I'm not sure where he dropped her off at." Jimin said being the first brave soul to say anything to not only their boss but to their friend.

"Actually he messaged me a couple of minutes ago and let me know that (Y/N) is safe and that he took her to the safe house that's located on the outside of the city. He's already arranged for her to have security 24/7 and everything else is being situated as we know it." Suga was always informed of everything going on so it was to no surprise that J-Hope had let him know what was going on.

"Thanks. Please ensure that she has everything she needs while she stays there for the time being. Kookie I want you to work on a plan to safely transport (Y/N) back to the United States."

Without missing a bear Jungkook was writing down his notes to ensure he wasn't missing anything.

"Do you want me to have you meet her at a private location to leave with her or will you be meeting her once she arrives in the US?" Jungkook wanted to make sure he had all the details before moving forward.

"I will not be meeting her in the states. I will remain here in Seoul." Namjoon said with no emotions behind his voice. He was straight business as usual.

"Are you sure?" Kookie pushed his boss.

"I said what I said didn't I?" With that no one said anything.

"Alright the rest of you continue on with the work involving the break in. Also I want someone to figure out what all happened at that doctors appointment. One of the guards said something about some type of altercation. I wanna know by the next couple of days." 

They all looked at each other obviously concerned for their friend. It was no secret that they could tell that the situation had taken its toll on him but no one dared question his orders.

"You're all free to go, except you Jin, I would like to discuss something with you in private."

Jin simply gave him a nod and waited for the rest of the guys to leave the room before saying anything.

"What's going on?"

"I want you to work on filing mine and (y/n)'s divorce papers."

"Im sorry what? Divorce papers are you sure about that. Come on man I'm not talking to you as your lawyer but as you're friend I know you don't want to divorce care about this girl. You look me dead in the eye and tell me you don't" Jin wasn't going to let him off the hook as easily as the others. He worked day in and day out calling people out on their bullshit and his friend wasn't an exception.

"Jin it isn't about whether I care about her or not. I know better than to lie to you......It's more than caring for her....I love her....and after seeing her the way I did.....I can't continue to hurt her....." Namjoon said.

"I don't know man, I don't think this is a good idea" what else could Jin say it seemed se though Namjoon had already made up his mind but he still had to try.

"Make sure she has a big house and that her and her family are financially taken care of. Honestly she can have whatever she wants of mine I don't give a fuck. Just get the paperwork ready."

"Whatever you say."

Jin could see the sadness in his friend and he knew that he believed he was making the right choice but that just was not the case. Though, it wasn't his place to question his orders so he would do what needed to be done.

Namjoon proceeded to walk of of the room just leaving jin standing in the room. He walked into the living area and sat on the couch. He had asked one of the house workers to grab him a drink and he simply sat there. He didn't even know how much time had passed from the time he sag down to the moment he heard the front door open.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me. Never in my life did I would catch you here drinking because you were in your feelings"

"Fuck off J-Hope. Is she safe?"

"What do you think?"

"That's all I needed to know. Talk to the others and catch up on the upcoming plans alright....I'm gonna just hang out here for awhile." Namjoon didn't have any more energy given everything that had happened. All he wanted to do was sip on his drink and try to numb the feeling of loss that he had felt since (Y/N) walked out on him.


"I'm sorry what did you just say to me?"

J-hope I wasn't having this emo version of his friend. This wasn't him and he was gonna need him to man up if the situation was gonna be handled.

"Dude you heard me I said no. N-O- that spells no"

"We may be friends but don't push it Im not in the mood today I can promise you that."

"We'll figure it out cause you ain't fixing shit being a drunk on the couch. You fucked up bud. We all told you to tell her before she found out and guess what she found out and now rightfully so she's pissed off given her circumstances."

Namjoon was processing everything he was saying but there was one thing that stood out.

"What circumstances hope?"

He went silent and couldn't even look Namjoon in the eye.

"Idk just stuff I guess you know all the crazy from today."

"You're lying."

"Am I though?? It has been a wild day for us all."

There was something he didn't want to say but Namjoon wasn't going to give up on so easily.

"Hope you're lying you're rambling so spit it out."

"I can't. I promised her"

"And you promised me to always be the one person I could trust when we started this fucking gang so what's it going to be man because I'm barely keeping my shit together so if there's something you gotta say. Say it with your fucking chest!"

Authors Note:
Hi my lovelies. I decided to write this next part because in all honesty I've not had some good days recently. Writing helps me to feel better so what better thing to do than get the next part out for you all. I want all of you to know it's ok to have days where you don't feel the best. I know I'm still learning this lesson as well but it is what it is right? I feel like the more I talk about these things maybe the easier it is for others to talk about as well. Just remember I purple you all 💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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