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Namjoon's POV

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Namjoon's POV

I knew she was going to cause a problem as soon as she walked over here. That's just the way she is....a manipulative bitch.

"It wasn't hard scaring your little wife Namjoon. Gotta say I don't give your marriage longer than 3 months. By that time she'll be screaming for a divorce." Brie said as she turned all of her attention towards you putting her hand to lay on your shoulder.

"Brie first of all I never said she was a burden....I said I had to go deal with an issue involving my wife. Second of all that woman isn't afraid to tell ME off so I highly doubt she's afraid of you. If you keep pushing her you're going to find out what kind of woman she really is and I hope I'm there to see her wipe that dumb ass look off your face." You said while taking her hands off your body.

"Guess we'll have to wait and see won't we?" She said seeming quite offended that you didn't accept her advances.

You didn't have time for this so all you did was walk away. She wasn't worth your time....never was.

As you started to walk to the bar to find (y/n) you noticed Tae coming towards you.

"Hey is your wife ok?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I could have sworn I just saw her leave."

Fucking. Great.

"That woman is going to drive me insane. Does she not know that she can't just be taking off whenever she fucking feels like it." You could feel yourself getting pissed.

Taehyung just started to laugh.

"What's so funny Tae? I'm not seeing how this shit is amusing."

"It's just I've never seen someone get under your skin so much. She really knows how to push your buttons doesn't she lol .....look from what I can see there's probably a reason she took off....and I'm guessing that the reason has something to do with you.....go home and talk to your wife."

Wow this boy was annoying when he had a point.

"I guess I'm just going to head home. I'll see you tomorrow with the rest of the guys."

You began walking towards your car when you heard someone call out your name.

"Hey Namjoon......"

Ugh this keeps getting better and better. This night had started off good and now it was just going to shit.

"....what do you want Samuel I have somewhere to be."

"I thought I saw your wife leave without you just making sure everything was ok with your wife." He said pretending to actually care.

"My wife is no concern of yours so don't worry about her."

"Can't help it. Us people from LA....well we look out for one another. Even when that person is hanging out with an enemy." You knew he was up to something considering he shouldn't have even known that (y/n) was from LA. Keeping a straight face you say...

"Stay away from I said she isn't your concern.....or find out just how ruthless I can really be."

"Can't make you any promises."

Stepping towards him you looked him straight in the eye.

"Try it."

With that you walked away to your car.

Now to go face your wife who was surely going to be in the best mood.


It didn't take long to get to the house after you got the address from Seonhwa. You had lied and said you were wanting to buy some things online and you needed to put the address in. Once you got home you got out of the beautiful dress and put on some comfortable clothes. Making your way downstairs you found the living room and decided to watch some T.V. hoping to fall asleep before Namjoon realized you left the party.

However you weren't that lucky.

As soon as you had finally found something to watch on Netflix you heard the door open and Namjoon call for you.


Nope. Not answering.


Ehh he'll find me eventually. You continue to ignore him...not really being in the mood to deal with him at the moment. He had royally pissed you off.

Unfortunately he eventually found you in the living room.

"Couldn't you hear me calling you!?!"

"Who me? Sorry I didn't want to burden you with my presence." You said not even looking at him.

"Oh don't be a smart ass I never said that."

"If that was the case why not say anything? stood there and let me look stupid to your little friend!" You said while standing up and looking directly at him.

Ok so maybe you were getting a little mad which in turn made you start to get a little loud.

"Enough! I didn't just stand would have known that if you wouldn't have taken off to throw a tantrum."

"Well excuse me for deciding I wasn't going to stand there and look stupid just to boost your damn ego to your little gf."

"She isn't my gf!"

"You could have fooled me. She's obviously someone who you felt comfortable enough to talk bad about me to."

"Maybe it's because you're so fucking annoying to talk to! Every time I've tried to talk to you all you seem to have is a damn attitude. So fucking pathetic."

Ouch. Gotta say those words hurt you more than you had expected.

"Why did you even want this...." was all you could ask him. It seemed that he was just as miserable as you were in this why did he make this happen. Emotions were about to take over you and you didn't feel like crying in front of him.

"I told you people we're going to meddle and make this difficult.."He said without answering your initial question. No emotion in his voice at all.

"And who was suppose to warn me about you...." tears were threatening to spill over at any second. So instead of letting him see you so vulnerable you turned to walk out the door.

"(Y/n) I....."

"Namjoon Im not going to fight with you anymore. I don't have the strength to keep doing this......I'm just tired.......I'll be in the guest room if you need anything."

You truly felt defeated in this moment and you didn't know what else to do but go to the guest room alone and finally let all the emotions you had been holding in out.

Author's Note: Drama Drama (Alexa play Dramarama by Monsta X) lol will these two ever get along who knows. Sorry for the wait but hopefully if I get some free time tonight I may post another chapter lol fingers crossed 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽thanks for the love you've all given this story so far!

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