Keep them safe

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All you could do was sit there and try to think and process what had just been said.

You had heard the word but no matter what you just couldn't believe it.


How could they do this.

Minutes passed....maybe even hours...though at this second you didn't care.

How could they?

Every time this phrase crossed your mind your anger grew with it.

Who makes this kind of deal. Your parents that's who.

Though you were mad at your parents more than anything all you could do was think ....why me.

You had been trying your best to keep yourself together but this was not fair. Ok you knew that sounded bratty but why..why...why..why. You took on the second job you tried helping but this was too much.

"We're meeting with him tomorrow to go over everything," was the only thing you remember your mom saying before both of your parents left the room.

As the door closed behind them you felt all your self control release.

Tomorrow was going to change everything you ever knew.
(Next day)

"Well I guess this place is big enough right."

You had honestly been zoned out all the way to the house where you were to meet your fake Mr. Forever....Kim Namjoon or as many knew him RM.

Both of your parents didn't try to talk to you during the car ride. Granted they wouldn't have gotten a response out of you anyways.

Since last night you refused to speak to them or even be in the same room as them if you were being honest.

You understood that they saw this as the only way out and they believed that this was the only solution but you were still beyond pissed.

More than anything you were hurt.

Hurt by the decisions that had been negatively effecting your life. To be honest though more than anything it hurt knowing that these decisions weren't yours to begin with.

How is it that your dad was the one who caused all of these issues but yet here you were being used to fix everything.

"Mr. Kim is ready for you. I'll take you to his office" one of the maids had said to you and your parents as you had entered the home.

"Well fuck me right."

As your parents were about to step forward to follow the maid to the office with you they were stopped.

"Actually Mr. Kim would like to speak with (Y/N) alone."

"Greeeeeeaaaaatttt this only gets better and better."

You simply nod and follow her until you're facing the door to the office.

"Well here goes nothing I guess. It's not like I'm allowed to say no." You said to yourself.

And then you do it. YOU KNOCK ON THE DOOR.

"Come in"

You step through the door only to feel your heart drop out your ass.


It's the obnoxious dude from the bus. Your fake fiancé is the guy you almost tackled yesterday. Is this a joke? It has to be. Why would he want to marry you?

"I see you're a little shocked. I mean I can understand considering this isn't our first meeting and it's not like you made an amazing first impression yesterday. " He said as he walked towards you.

"Well apparently I made some type of impression on you considering the circumstances we're currently in wouldn't you say....amigo" You snap at him.

"Im not your amigo....I'm your fiancé."

"Yes without even asking would you look at that your manners seem to have stayed the same."

He narrowed his eyes at you obviously becoming annoyed as he now stood in front of you.

Once again though you didn't care. Why should you? He was forcing you into an arranged marriage to get your family out of a very very bad situation. His feelings really didn't mean much to you.

"I see your attitude is also the same."

"What did you expect? You can't think I'm happy about this."

"Im just giving your family a way out that works for everyone. So you can take it or leave it no ones making you do anything it's simply a deal. Whether you take it or not I'll leave up to you....not your parents."

So he was going to let you decide? Definitely didn't see this one coming. Something told you that it couldn't be that easy.

"Before you decide though let me tell you what's going to happen if you don't take this deal. 1st your father is going to be immediately targeted by Samuel and his gang for stealing from their operation. You think the beating he got yesterday was bad....that was nothing he'd be lucky if they let him live.....which I doubt. 2nd his debt is gonna fall on your mom and when she can't pay it they will come after her or even worse your sisters."

You wanted to be calm and say it wasn't true and that you would figure it out. That you guys would be fine without his help but you knew that he wasn't lying. The more you tried to belittle the situation the worse it was going to get.

"......and what happens if I decide to take your deal?"

"In regards to your family I would pay off your fathers debt and relocate your parents to a new home.....anonymously. That way it seems like they just paid off the debt themselves.  They would be safe and I promise that they will lead a comfortable lifestyle. Your sisters I think it'd be best to keep them in the dark as much as possible. With that being said  they will stay put but will be given security to make sure they are safe also. And obviously you will stay with me so you will not need to worry about your own safety."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Im trying to grow in my own investments.......If I'm married I won't have to worry about someone trying to sneak into my bed trying to sabotage my work. I need someone who I know doesn't have connections to this world. It also looks good to investors to be married. To make it simple you need me as much as I need you."

"Granted there are obviously other conditions in regards to the marriage aspect of our deal." He continued

"Such as? You might as well tell me everything at once."

"Alright. Well it would be best to get married as soon as possible so I'm going to say let's go ahead and plan for next week."


Namjoon didn't pay any mind to your sudden outburst and continued on.

"Anyways afterwards we'll plan to head back to Seoul as that is where I mainly reside. You will be my wife so you also will be living with me. As my wife you will attend parties, luncheons, you know normal wife things I suppose."

Sooo many thoughts were running through your head that you thought at any moment it was going to become too much and you were going to black out.

He wants you to go to Seoul! First of all you've never stepped foot out of the US other than to go to Mexico and now you're being asked to live in Korea. A country where you didn't even know the language.

Also could you really be someone's wife? Even better question was could you be HIS wife knowing the kind of work he was in? You didn't know.

"So what do you say do we have a deal?" He asked as he extended his hand to you.

Feeling as though you were drowning with all this information you didn't know what to do.

All you could think about was your family. Yes you were in this mess without your consent but regardless you loved all of them and you knew that you would do anything for them. So with that you turned to Namjoon.

"Just promise me they stay safe and I'll keep my part."

With that you extended your hand into his.

Let's Make a Deal (Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now