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( Y/N POV)

When (y/n) woke up she turned to see that Namjoon was still in bed with her just looking up at the ceiling.

"I need you to pack your bags," was all he said.

WHAT!?! Was he really kicking you out!?!

You began to freak out causing your brain to start to go 100 mph.

Why was he doing this! This wasn't the first time you guys had argued and to be fair it wasn't even the worst fight that you had had with him. So why was he so mad that he decided to kick you out. Did you do something you didn't know you were suppose to do. Before you could stop yourself you started rambling.

"What!?! You're really going to kick me out! I don't even know what I did. Why are you so mad at me. Don't you think we should talk about this first. I mean you're the one who married me first. What am I gonna do. Do you want me to go back to LA. WHAT ABOUT MY FAMILY NAMJOON!"

As you were about to throw another 500 questions at him you felt him put his hand over your mouth and pushed you back on your back. He was now hovering over you.

......well this is awkward was all you could think.

"(Y/N) what the hell are you talking about I'm not kicking you out of the house. Now I'm gonna move my hand but you gotta promise to calm down alright."

All you could do was nod your head.

"Alright. Now why did you think I was kicking you out."

"You told me to pack my bags!"

"That's because I think it would be a good idea to get away just the two of us."

Without even thinking you hit his shoulder obviously annoyed that he made you almost lose your mind. He started to slightly laugh and went back to laying on his back.

"So we're good? Everything is ok right?"

"Erm yea why wouldn't it be,"  he said to you but for some reason you felt as if he was hiding something. Before you could ask him about it he  has turned to look at you with a smile,
"So you really thought I was kicking you out?"

Namjoon was trying his best not to laugh. After hearing his response and seeing his reaction you decided to let the topic go.

"You seriously hadn't even spoken to me since we last argued and the first thing you tell me is to 'pack your backs' what the hell was I suppose to think!!"

"Well I'm done being mad if you are."

"I think I've found a new reason to be mad at you." You snapped at him rolling your eyes.

"How about this you can pick where you want to visit....then will you forgive me?"


"Alright. Well I've gotta go to the office first I'll probably be gone for a couple hours. How about you text me where you want to go and I'll make the arrangement and we'll leave tonight."


"Serious." And with that he got out of bed and headed into your shared bathroom.

You just laid there in bed absolutely confused as to what just happened. But it seemed like he was trying to do something nice for you so the least you could do was meet him halfway.

However you couldn't help the feelings you had at spending some time with him alone. You obviously had spent time with him but there was always someone or something always there. We're you excited or nervous? You didn't know.  But you also couldn't hide the feeling that you had earlier in regards to him keeping something from you. Pushing those thoughts to the side you decided to look into where you wanted to go.


(Namjoon POV)

It seemed like the best way he could keep the situation under control for as long as he could. Eventually he was going to have to tell her but right now just didn't seem like the best time. Deep down he knew that there was never going to be a right time and that he was simply trying to push the situation out for as long as he could.

He had messaged all of the guys telling them to meet him at the office immediately.

When he arrived there was only one other person who was there.

"So what's with the surprise meeting?"

J-Hope said as he turned to face his friend.

"I'm taking (y/n) away for a bit just until I can get everything figured out."

"Have you told her?"

"What the hell do you think. Obviously I haven't told her. That's why I'm wanting to get her out of Seoul."

"So you're running from the problem"

J-hope was really pushing his limits with Namjoon but he knew his friend better than anyone and he knew that he was just stalling.


"Whatever you say." J-hope said while rolling his eyes.

"Look if you got something to say just say it." Namjoon was really started to lose his patience with his friend.

"Fine but don't get all ass hurt I'm just looking out for you as a friend. But the longer you wait to tell her the worse it's going to be and you know that. Don't sit here and lie to me and tell me you don't. If she finds out before you tell her....I honestly don't know what's going to happen and I don't think you do either."

"This is why I'm taking her away J-Hope! If she's away no one can tell her. Of course i don't know what will happen! I can protect her from this for just a little bit longer...." He took a breath to try and calm himself down.

"I promised her that I would protect her family and I broke that promise."

J-hope could see how much this was affecting his friend. What he also could see was that his dear friend genuinely cared for this woman but he wasn't quite ready to admit that just yet.

"You don't even know if this ties back to you."

"We both know that it probably does. Don't sit there and tell me you deny it. "

He wanted to tell his friend that his wife's sister accidentally had overdosed and that the timing was just a coincidence but in their line of work most of the time it wasn't. Before he could respond they heard a noise at the door. They both looked towards the door to see that the others had come in.

"So what's going on?" Jimin was the first to speak.

"I'm taking (y/n) out of Seoul for a bit and I need all of you to keep this as under the radar as possible."

"How long will you be gone?" Asked Taehyung.

"Until we can figure out if this ties back to us," Namjoon said.

"Me and Suga have been working on getting the guy who gave the drugs," Jungkook said to his hyung.

"We're hoping to have this figured out soon so you two shouldn't have to be gone for too long," Suga had added onto Jungkook's earlier statement.

"That would be great the sooner we can find out the better," was all Namjoon said.

"So where are you two going to be going on your fake honeymoon?" Jin said with a small smirk on his face.

As soon as he had asked the question Namjoon's phone began to vibrate with a text from (y/n).

Namjoon pulled his phone out of his pocket to read her message. When he looked up he only said one word.


Author's note:

Hello my lovelies! I hope you all are doing good. This week is a holiday so I should be getting some time to do some more writing.☺️☺️ If you're are here in the US I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! And if you are not I still hope you all have an awesome week. ❤️

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