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"Absolutely....not" You said as you sat in the car waiting to reach your destination.

Nope. I can't do this. Oh my god what if I fall on my face in front of some super important people. Or what if I say the wrong thing and they think Im stupid. WHAT IF THE FOOD GIVES ME GAS.


"Stop what?" You turned to look at Namjoon.

"I can see your mind going into overdrive. Look if people see that you're scared they'll take advantage."

"I get it." You cut him off. He's already told you a billion times to be on guard with everyone.

All of a sudden though you felt namjoon take your hand and look straight at you.

"I know you can do this." He said as he gave you a reassuring smile.

You don't know why but you could have sworn that your stomach just did a flip. It was like he spoke it into existence but the next thing you knew you gave him a small nod feeling reassured in yourself.

The car ride was the most you two had talked since your arrival in Korea but it was nice you couldn't lie. This was the first time you started to see Namjoon as just another person and not the man you were pretty much forced to marry. He spoke to you normally and even was trying to reassure you.

Well this was new. Now your only question was how long is this going to last.

Before you could give it another thought he was pulling you out of the car. As you got out and started walking towards the large home you felt him put his arm around your waist as he walked with you.

DUH. Gotta be the happy couple.

When you stepped into the house you took note of all the people who were also there. What you saw actually had kinda surprised you considering everyone seemed to be from all over the world. You know you heard a majority of the conversations were being spoken in English but others ranged from Korean, Spanish and what you thought was Chinese.

Leaning into Namjoon you whispered to where only he could hear you.

"What is this some kind of gangster convention?"

You almost broke your neck to look at him when you heard a small little laugh escape him.

"Something like that i guess you could say."

Before you could say anything else you heard someone call out for him.

"Ahhh there you are Namjoon! For a second I thought you weren't going to come."

You instantly recognized the man from the wedding but couldn't remember his name. When you both had gotten married he was there with a few other guys who apparently were good friends with your now husband. He was a handsome guy you couldn't deny and you definitely couldn't forget his distinctive deep voice.

"Tae you knew I was going to be here."

"Yea you're right. Maybe I just wanted to say hi to your beautiful wife." He turned and gave you a little flirty wink.

"Now now Tae don't make me embarras you in front of all these people for giving my wife googly eyes."

"You're always soooo much fun. Last time I checked I won that fight." he sarcastically said.

Namjoon just gave him a little laugh and patted him on the shoulder.

"That's because I let you win.....the time before that I won and you pouted for a week. Come on why don't we go find our table to eat."

Let's Make a Deal (Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now