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Namjoon's POV

It had been a few days since the fight with (y/n) and somehow in those few days so much had changed. All she did was stay in the guest room and if by some chance you actually saw her she didn't even bother to look at you. Even when she did she had a blank look on her face.

As much as you hated to admit fucked up.

"So what do you think?"


"Dude have you even been listening for the past 10 min?" Jhope said.

It was then that you remembered where you were and what you were suppose to be doing. The fog that had been covering your mind seemed to have lifted and you were now seated at the head of a table surrounded by your friends.

"I've got a lot on my mind" was all you could say.

"Yea well we all do so why don't we ALL try to focus. Besides aren't you the one who called this meeting" Suga had said slightly annoyed.

Namjoon began to take notice of all the men who sat beside him. All six of these men had a major role in the operation that Namjoon had been running for the past 5 years. More than that these 6 guys were the best friends he'd had for many years 

Jin was in charge of the legal aspects of the operation making sure the law didn't interfere and when it did....let's just say everyone wanted Jin to be their legal representation. He had never lost a case and didn't expect to any time soon.

Suga and Jungkook were in charge of shipments that were to be brought in to the country and distributed. They both  made sure everything always went according to plan.

Taetae and Jimin always worked as a team when it came to security. They worked together to make sure everything was safe and secure.....their plans their money but most importantly their friends

As for Jhope he worked a little of everything. He was pretty much Namjoon's right hand man.

"You're right I did so I'm sorry for zoning out now let's talk. The other night at the party Samuel was there and as I was walking out he had said something that didn't sit well with me and I wanted to bring it to your attention."

"What was it?" Jimin said now looking straight at Namjoon .

"He had asked about (y/n) and when I told him that she wasn't any concern of his he said something about people  from LA sticking together."

"Wait what? No one is suppose to even know that she's from LA all they're suppose to know is that she's from the states." Jungkook said growing slightly irritated. He was one of the men who worked on making sure that no one knew more about (y/n) than was necessary.

"So I'm assuming now you understand my concern. I don't want him anywhere near her is that understood. Not him not any of his whatever it takes to make sure this is accomplished. He's up to something and I've got a bad feeling he's going to use her to his advantage."

"How do you know she isn't involved?" Jin had been quiet for most of the meeting but it was his basic instinct that made him question every possible scenario. This is what made him so good in a courtroom.

"I just do. She wouldn't have sacrificed everything she knew by marrying me just to put her family in danger again. She's smarter than that."

"Well I've never had reason to question your judge of character so I'll let it go...." and that's exactly what jin did.

"Are there any abnormalities when it comes to our shipments with Samuel's group as of now?"

"No." Was all Suga said.

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