Character Sketch

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Hey lovelies, I'm back with the character sketch. Hope you like it. 🥰

"Not just an Attraction"

•Character Sketch• (part:1)

Avneet Kaur
A 19 years innocent and beautiful nerd. She has suffered a lot. She doesn't likes attention at all. She hates to stay in groups. She thinks that she shouldn't make any friends as whoever is close to her, she/he will be in trouble. She is a bookworm and teachers fav. Her voice is very melodious, and it can make anyone forget all their problems. Wants to be a singer.

Siddharth Nigam
The king of the college. Son of the mafia king. He is a badboy and a playboy. He has spend nights with almost every girls of the school. He is very possessive towards his things. And he gets whatever he wants by hook or by cook. His age is also 19. He lost his mother at a small age. He has a little sister and he pampers her a lottt. Was a goofy, kindhearted and jolly boy before. But now is a arrogant jerk. And the reason is; unknown. (I will think and tell in the future. 😂) He is a guitarist and he even sings very nicely. He wants to be the next mafia king and handle his family business too.

Ranveer Nigam (You can imagine anyone)
He is the owner of all the Nigam companies. And he has a secret identity as Robert, The Mafia King, whom everyone is scared of in underworld. His rival killed his wife.
Wants to train both his son and daughter to be the mafia king and queen respectively. A kind man, but rude to strangers. Has not done a second marriage, as his children will be sad and he loves his wife with his whole heart.

That's it for now.
I'll introduce you all, the other characters in next post.

Thank you
Hope you like it.
Love you all.
~Anne 👻

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