Chapter 4

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Hey lovelies, I'm back with the chapter. Hope you like it. 🥰

"Not just an Attraction"

•Chapter 4•

Priya's POV
I am not dreaming. No, I am not.
What has this girl done to my bhai??
Kya jaado kar diya hai?

I am shocked, deepak and bhai attended the class.

I saw bhai in the class. But he isn't concentrating, he is staring the girl, what was her name? Ya, Avneet.
Kya karu mei iss ladhki ka??
Why isn't she leaving my bro back?

I just went out of there, to the garden.
I seriously need to do something about this girl. I don't want bhai to be broken again.

POV ends

Sidneet side

The class has ended and it's lunch time now. They are in the class itself.

Avneet was packing her things, when she noticed that Sid is still staring her. She blushed but tried to hide it, in which she miserably failed.

Sis: did I tell you, you look cute while blushing.

A meet blushed more.
Just then reem, mahi and faisu came towards her.

Faisu: let's go avu.
Avi: let's go

She said and caught faisu's hand. Seeing this sis was burning in jealousy.

Sid: Babygirl !!
Avu: yes

She said and turned around, with a tint of blush on her cheeks.

Sid: leave his hand.

Avu: huh?

Sid: I said, leave his hand.

Avu: why ??


He shouted and avu quickly left faisu's hand as she was scared. She started shivering, but Sid hadn't noticed this.


Said Sid to Faisu.

Faisu: why? we can even catch hands? Why?

Sid: because she is mine, and I don't like anyone touching what's mine.

Mahi: from when did she became yours?? She isn't a thing that you claim it as yours.


Reem: guys let's go from here. See cupcake, she is shivering.

Saying this reem pulled Avu and went away.

Sid: baby girl what happened??

Mahi/faisu: avi, what happened??

They followed reemneet. Reemneet went to the canteen and reem made avu drink water. After that she calmed a little.

Sid: what happened baby girl??

He said as he sat in the seat beside her and hugged her. But she didn't hugged him back. Instead she pushed him a little.

Mahi: please go from here for now, sir.

Said Mahi to sis. Sid just nodded with a sad face and went.

Faisu: what happened avi??

Avu: nothing !!

She said looking everywhere but not towards them.

Reem (whispers to faisu) : don't ask now, we will ask later.

Reem: me is very hungry. Please let's go and get something.

Avu: me too!! Let's go and get something.

Mahi: I don't want to walk. 😩

Reem: me tooooo 😩

Avu: let me bring our food.

Faisu: I'll also come.

Avu: no need, I'll get it.

Faisu: but...

Avu: no ifs and buts. Just tell me what should I bring?

Reem: a burger for me.

Mahi: a small pizza for me.

Faisu: a salad for me.

Girls: salad kon khata hai lunch mei?? 🤯

Faisu: me 😂

Avu: okie, and cheese-fries and sandwich for me.

Avu went to take the food. She was in the queue, and finally it was her turn now, when suddenly a group of boys came and started ordering for themselves without staying in the queue and waiting for their turn.

Avu: umm, excuse me it was my turn.

She said and the boys turned towards her. They started staring her with their dirty eyes.

Boss: look who we have here??

Boy1: our rival's girl

Boss: yes

Said the boss and smirked.

Boss: how're you doing darling.

Saying this he came towards her and slightly moved her hair strand.

Avu: excuse me, I need to take my food.

Boy2: what's the hurry, first talk with us!!

Avu: I don't have time for that, sorry.

She said and as she was going from beside, one of the guy caught her from her hand.

Boy1: what's the hurry cutie?

Avu: leave me!!

She said trying to get out of his grip.

Boss: no way.

He said and pulled her towards him. Just then .....

What happened?? 👀

Any guesses??

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Thank you.
Hope you like it.
Love you all.
~Anne 👻

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