Chapter 1

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Hey lovelies, I'm back with the chapter. Hope you like it. 🥰

"Not just an Attraction"

•Chapter 1•

Someone's POV

??: wake up bitch

I heard someone say. And then a bucket of cold water was thrown on me. I woke up with a jerk. And saw my step father standing infront of me.

SF (stepfather) : wake up! And clean the house quickly.

He shouted at me, I just nodded my head in yes. But then, he caught me by my hair and said.

SF: do it fast otherwise, you won't get to go to college.

Avu: I... I'll

I said shuttering.
I just don't know why, I shutter every time I try to speak.

After he went, I cleaned the house. And thank god now it just 6 o clock. Now I can pack my bag and go to college. And then, I'll have my freedom. There will be no one to control me.

I went to my room. After packing everything, I thought to check him.

As I was going to his room, I heard a glass break from the beside room. I peeped it to see he was again drunk. Now I shouldn't go infront of him. Otherwise he'll change his decision.

So I quietly went in my room. Wrote a note, that I have left, and then went towards the exit of the house.

I took a deep breath, then look towards the house. I hope we never meet again.
And I'm not sad about it, we do have another house which is a bit smaller but it's the house where me, bhai, baba and mumma used to live. I don't remember their faces but I do remember them.

I went to the bus stop, and after a few mins a bus arrived. Then I sat in that bus, and I started my journey towards the colleges

Siddharth's side

For now, they are not living in their friend mansion. They are living in the dorms.

Priya's POV
Another day, another new girl.
I just don't understand it, why bhai has to be with every girl. Like, can't he see they are just with him for fame?
Arghhhh!!! I hate these girls.

Ooh! Hey!
I didn't noticed you here.
So I'm priya, Siddharth's sister.
And right now, we are here in the college canteen.

Bhai is drinking his coffee and talking to deepak, arily are busy doing romance, jannat is again lost, and dev is staring someone.

Wait wait wait,
Who is he staring?

Priya, he is your best friend. Nothing else.
So let him stare anyone he like.

Sid: priya

Bhai said, and I was brought out of my trance.

Priya: yes bhai

Sid: I'll go to my dorm to get my stuffs.

Priya: I'll also come.

Sid: no need I'll go myself.

He said and went.

Avneet's POV
Finally I reached the college.
I walked inside the hall and there were many peoples there. All were talking and laughing with their friends.

I walked towards the office and got my timetable and keys of my dorm.
Ok my room number is 21.

But idk where it is. Let me ask someone. I looked here and there and then saw a beautiful girl. She looks kind, she won't shout at me will she?
Anyways, let ask.

Avu: h...heyy

Arghh!! Avneet!!
Can't you just talk without shuttering for ones.

??: hello

The girl said and smiled.
I smiled back and said.

Avu: ca..can f..find pl..please.

??: sure!! And don't shutter, I won't eat you up.

She said and chuckled. She seems to be a nice girl.

Avu: I..I'm s..sorry. I... I try but I... c..can't sp..speak without shuttering.

Why did I say this. apni bejatti kudh hei kardi meine.

??: ooh! No problem. Tell me your room number.

Avu: 21

??: greattt!!! You're our roommate. Dii see, she is our room mate.

That girl said and the another girl, whom she called dii turned towards us. Ohh damn, she is gorgeous.

Girl 2: heyy !! What's your name.

Avu: h..hi a..avneet.

Girl2: such a cuteee name. I'm Reem btw. And this is my Little sisso, Mahi.

{so the girl is Mahi, and the girl two is Reem}

Mahi: now lets go to our room. We haven't unpacked and then we have to show her, our room also na.

Reem: okieee. Let's gooo cupcakes.

She said and caught my hand and then walked towards, idk where.

Avu: who is cupcake??

Reem: you.

Avu: me??

Reem: yeah! I give a nickname to all my friends. So as you're my friend, I have you a nickname.

Avu: you made me your friend?

Reem: why can't I?

Avu: no you can. But no one likes me, I am a nerd na.

Reem: eiii, let others not like you. We love you naa. And btw, others don't like us also.

Mahi: guysssss, what are you doingggg. Come fasttt.

She said from a little far away. And we walked towards her. Then I saw that we've reached there.

After that we unpacked our bags and then we sat in my bed.

Soo sorry for the boring chapter.
Sidneet will meet in the next chapter.
are you excited?
I'll try to post the next chapter today itself.
Thank you.
Hope you like it.
Love you all.
~ Anne 👻

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