!! Rewrite !! Rewrite !!

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Hello lovelies 

I was going to post this yesterday but then this glitch-pad wasn't letting me post it. 

So, i wanted to say that now I will not write this story. 
I will write but not in this account as...... this account isn't functioning well. It doesn't allows me to post messages in message board, sometimes i can't vote and comment, I can't update sometimes and even i can't message peoples. 

So i've made another account @hqzel-eyes !! I'll be posting the story there. I've made some changes, but it's completely ok if you don't want to read the first 9 part......... you might miss some stuffs as i'm changes few things but it won't harm as it's just the usual sidneet bumping, friendship talks, and all. 

I'll be posting it as soon as I get my cover... 
If i get the cover today, I'll post today else i'll post tomorrow. 

Stay Tuned 
Love you all 
- Anne 👻

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