Chapter 3

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Hey lovelies, I'm back with the chapter. Hope you like it. 🥰

"Not just an Attraction"

•Chapter 3•

Sid's POV

I looked at her walking figure. She walked back to the college and I was still looking there, when I heard some fake coughs by deepak.

Deep: Ahm Ahm Ahm !!! The bad boy is in loveeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Sid: shut up.

Deep: the truth won't change if I shut up.

Sid: *chuckles*

Priya: wait wait wait, am I dreaming?? A sweet si chuckle from the bad boy?

Sid: shut up you guys. I need to make an announcement.

Arhaan: what announcement?

Sid: Dev bring a mike.

Dev: ok bro.

Dev brought the mike and gave it to sid. Then Sid made an announcement.

Sid: Ahm!! Attention here.

Everyone looked at him.

Sid: did you see the girl? Who stopped me?

Everyone nodded in yes.

Sid: So BOYS, don't you dare to look at her, or sit with her. Otherwise, you know what I'll do. And everyone, don't you dare trouble her.

He said and smirked.
Everyone nodded in yes.

Sid: I need words.

He shouted. And "yes" "ok" was heard all over.

Next day

Avu's POV
It's class time. And me, Mahi, Reem and faisu are in the class. This maths is soo boring. 🤧
I am getting boredddddddddddd!!

After a few mins, two boys barged inside the class.
POV ends

Lecturer : why did you enter without my permission?

Sid: should we need your permission to enter?

Sid said in his cold tune. And the lecturer realized who he is talking too.

Lecturer: sorry sir.

Avu's POV
Deep: this is your last chance. Don't you dare talk like that to sid.

After the guy said that, Siddharth and that guy came towards us.

Wait, why is he coming towards us?
Is he angry on me?
Will he shout at me?
Will he punish me?
Ooh god, please save me.

Mahi: hey hey hey! Avu what happened?

Avu: huh?

Reem: why are you shivering?

Avu: look there the bad boys are coming towards us.

Mahi: yes, then?

Avu: actually yesterday.........

And I told them the whole incident. They were shocked.

Faisu: Avu !! Why why did you do that?

Avu: what happened?

I said biting my nails out of nervousness.

Reem: whoever goes against them, they give them sever punishment.

Avu: I'm already soo scared. Don't make me more scared.

Just then I realized that they have came in front of us. So we sat quietly.

Sid: will you move? I wanna sit here!!

He said to faisu, and faisu did what he said without any objections. Whyyyyyy????

Sid sat beside me and gave me a smile. And I returned a nervous smile.
Whereas the another boy was sitting beside mahi.
About Reem, she went back with faisu. Dhokebaaz 😫😂

Sid: where are you lost baby girl?

Avu: no where

I said but a tiny blush appeared in my face listening the nickname.

Sid: aren't you bored by this boring class??

He said and as head downed looking towards me.

Avu: umm, no.

I lied.
After a while I was still concentrating on the class and Siddhartha was still staring me. When will this guy stop staring, it's distracting me.

Finally I gathered the courage to say it out.

Avu: when will you stop staring?

Sid: never, not in this life at least.

I felt heat rushing towards my cheeks after listening that.

Mahik's side
(Mahi and deepak)

Mahi's POV
As Siddharth sir and Deepak sir came towards us, reem and faisu went back. Dhokebaaz !!

Just then, Deepak sir came and sat beside me.
We were sitting like.

-Deepak sir- me- avu- Siddharth sir-

Deep: hey

Mahi: hello sir

Deep: eeii, no need to call me sir.

Mahi: but sir

Deep: no please

He made that cute puppy face. Hayee, he is soo cuteeeee. 😍😍

Deep: you can call me anything except sir.

Mahi: umm, I'll call you deep. If you don't mind.

Deep: no, I won't mind it at all. You can call me deep.

Mahi: okie si... I mean deep.

After that we both started to concentrate on the class.
POV ends

Priya's side (science class)

Priya's POV
What the hell is going on?
Bhai made a announcement to look at that girl? Is he falling in love? No no, this can't happen. I don't want him to be used and thrown away again. NOO GOD. That girl, what was her name, ya avneet. She is also like others, just wanting fame and monkey. Koi rich and handsome boy dekha nahi, chipakne aagai. Arghhh!!!

Lecturer: Miss Priya, are you even listening?

Priya: umm, umm, yes sir.

Lecturer: tell me what am I teaching?

Priya: sir, you don't even know what you're teaching? Do you have that week memory?

She said and everyone started to laugh.

Lecturer: everyone, keep quite. And miss Priya, get out of my class.

Priya: as if I wanna stay here.

Then I walked outside.
Aab where should I go??
Ooh yeah! Sid bhai and Deepak always bunk. Let me also join today.

As I was walking towards the canteen, I saw something very unexpected.
I looked at it again.
I again looked at it, rubbing my eyes.
I looked at it, for the 100th time.
And, yes !!
It is true, I .. I am not dreaming.
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Thank you.
Hope you like it.
Love you all.
~Anne 👻

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