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" Well, that was unexpected." Yoongi plops down onto his bed, next to Haru and Jimin. His mother went back after having dinner with them, saying that Yoongi's dad will miss her if she isn't back by today. So, they didn't pressurized her on staying the night.

The event still feels like a fever dream to both of them. Afterall it's not every day that your mom or future mother in law breaks into your house unannounced, display her dismay towards you two being together, tries her best to break you both only to announce later that it was all a prank. Yeah, it's definitely a scene taken out of some clichè movie.

" Even mama was involved in all of this." Jimin giggles thinking about would they both be like that too when they'll get old. Probably Yoongi would be the more mischievous one out of them.

" My mom surely deserves an Oscar for her acting." She could make her debut as the sassy mother of a rich CEO, who goes around throwing water at her son's love interest.

" What was she saying , ah yes. That she had fixed my wedding and I can't marry you, only to call you her son in law in the end."
They both burst out laughing. It's crazy how they were about to pee their pants when this all unfolded in front of their eyes but now they can only laugh on remembering it.

" She's still so sweet though. Her eyes were filled with so much love when she carried Haru in her arms." He can foresee it that Haru will be totally spoilt by his two grandmothers.

He looks at Yoongi's face only to see him frowning hard at something
" What's with the long face ?" Yoongi's frown only got deeper once Jimin asked him that question.
" She called you son in law before I could even propose to you." He crosses his arms to his chest, huffing out the air in an annoyed manner.

" Aww hyung, were you going to propose to me today ?" He teases the older. Seeing Yoongi's reaction he's reminded of how he's basically taking care of not one but two babies.
" No- I mean- not today. But someday, yeah."

" Then I'll be waiting for your proposal." He places his hand on Haru's belly, the baby was already asleep before they joined him in the bed. Maybe he'll let him sleep in the bed today instead of his crib.

" Don't expect something grand though, I might just propose to you when you're least expecting it."
Yoongi has a smug look on his face, so it's easy to notice that he already have something planned in his head.

" Hyung, I know you better than you know yourself. I wouldn't even be shocked if I woke up one day with a ring on my finger only to know you had proposed to me while I was sleeping."
Well, that can actually happen and it'll not even shock him a bit. It just sounds like the most Yoongi thing to him.

" Wait, that's actually a good idea. Let me write it down." He acts like he's really going to search for a pen and paper to write it down.
" Noo, come up with your own idea, hyung." He whines on Yoongi's teasing.
Yoongi places his hand on top of Jimin, that's ultimately resting on Haru. With their eyes gazing into each other they fell asleep with their cupid angel in between of them.


The proposal as Yoongi mentioned before to Jimin was really an unexpected one. It was done in such a subtle way that no one would have realised that Yoongi was actually proposing.

It wasn't until three months of them living together that Yoongi finally got the courage to ask the question. Some may say that he asked the question a bit too early but for him it was the right time and he could actually care less about what other people thinks.

Just like their everyday routine, Jimin was busy fixing a breakfast for Yoongi in the kitchen. Haru's crib was placed in the living room where it was easy for him to keep an eye on the baby while simultaneously doing other chores.

Yoongi quitely tiptoes towards the kitchen, stopping for a second to catch his racing heart. His eyes fall on Haru who was busy chewing on one of his teething toys. The baby gave him an energetic smile, Yoongi took it as a good luck sign.

" Jimin ah, I have to write this new article would you help me ?" Jimin doesn't turn around to look at him. It was not a new thing for Yoongi to ask for his help in his articles, he had helped the older quite sometimes before too.

" Mmh, what is it about ?" He flipped the pancake over quickly as to not get it burnt. His mind was too busy on cooking that he failed to notice Yoongi getting down on one knee and taking out the ring from his pocket, behind him.

" I've to write one on married life." He hopes that the younger would catch on his hint.
" Hyung, how would I be able to help you. I'm not mar-" Jimin stops on finally realising what was happening. He turns around frantically not even caring about the breakfast anymore.

There in front of him was Yoongi, downed on his one knee, proposing to him. He subdue his shocked expression by pressing his palm to his open mouth. That really was unexpected and so Yoongi like.

" Park Jimin, would you allow me to officially make you Min Jimin ?"
If that's not the best proposal line ever than I don't even wanna know what is. Crying on being proposed to, Jimin thought it was too cliched. But when he felt all those rush of emotions, he finally understood why people cries. He himself is a sobbing mess right now.

" Of course, hyung. A million time yes." He throws himself onto the older before he could even slide the ring on his finger.

Yoongi lets the younger squeeze the hell out of him. Truthfully, it was a bit suffocating but he's not complaining, he's enjoying it. He's enjoying the happy pheromones that the omega let out unconsciously.

" Now, can I ?" He takes Jimin's left hand into his own and gently slides the simple yet magnificent diamond studded ring on his finger. His beautiful hands glow even more from the glow of his proposal ring. It's beautiful, and it's more beautiful because it's full of their undying love.

" Congratulations, soon to be Mr. Min." Jimin flushes on hearing Yoongi's surname before him. He rests his head on Yoongi's chest, his hand resting peacefully on Yoongi's back.

" Hyung, I love you." He leans forward to catch his soon to be husband's lips.
" I love you too, baby." He interlock his hand with Jimin and caresses the ring with his thumb.

It's the beginning of their new life.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now