Chapter 27

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Emma's P.O.V
"Woah. Emma you look amazing," Jack said when he walked in.
"So do you," I laughed. I wasn't interested in him anymore, and I'm not gonna flirt at all.
"I gotta go. Bye," Hayes whispered in my ear.
"Okay, um, bye. See you tomorrow," I replied. Hmm... that was weird. He walked out of my house, and I turned back to Jack.
"So how's life?" He asked.
"It's really good! I still dance, and I found out that Lacey is a huge bitch,"I started. "I went into a coma for a few days, and then Hayes went into a coma. And I started playing a new instrument in the middle of 6th grade."
"You did? What do you play?" He wondered.
"The same thing as you. I got a trombone," I smirked. "But I only started playing it because I was a wreck when you moved to Nevada, and it made me think of you. But I actually really like it now. Trust me, I wouldn't have broken up with you if I thought that a long distance relationship would work."
"Trombone buddies!" Jack high fived me.
"Oh my god, you have no idea how much I missed you. I missed how funny you are, and how nice you are, and your laugh, and I really miss our friendship."
"2 years. It's been 2 years already. We've changed so much. And luckily, we both moved on," He sighed.
"Yeah, um, do you wanna go to our spot? The place where you asked me to be your girlfriend?" I wondered.
"Yeah, do you wanna go now?"
"Sure!" I led him out of the house, and grabbed my pennyboard, and Callie's pennyboard. "Do you still know how to pennyboard?"
"Duh!" He answered. I laughed, and he followed me to the creek that's a few minutes away from where Jack used to live.
"I used to come here everyday after school during 6th grade," I admitted. When I was 12 years old, I thought that I was in love with Jack. I realized that I wasn't, and that we were better off as friends. I hope he feels the same. Jack followed me over to the rocks, where we both plopped down, and sat there.
"So why are you back in North Carolina?" I asked.
"Gabe graduated, and he'll be going to college here, so I decided to move back out here."
"You should've called or so-" I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. I quickly pulled away. "Jack Kai Larson, what the hell did you just do?"
"I had to do that," He mumbled.
"In case you haven't noticed, I HAVE A FUCKING BOYFRIEND! HIS NAME IS HAYES GRIER!" I yelled. "I don't have feelings for you anymore. I love Hayes, and he loves me. That wasn't necessary." I lowered my voice.
"Oh. I-I'm really sorry."
"It's fine. Just don't tell anyone. I don't want this to affect my relationship," I demanded. He nodded, and I stood up. "Are you coming?" I wondered as I grabbed my board.
"Oh, yeah," He laughed. We rode home, and walked in on everyone talking.
"What's going on?"
"Emma! They're holding one last event! We'll be there for a week," Hayes said.
"Wait, what?"
"We're going to an event! And everyone is coming! And I'm inviting you!" He clarified.
"What?! Oh my god!" I screamed.
"We're leaving in 3 days, and it's in Florida!" I ran up to my boyfriend and gave him a hug.
"Um, we should get going. It's getting late," Gabe interrupted.
"Oh yeah," I sighed. "I'll see you at the rink!" They left, and I made my way over to the couch. In exactly 3 days, I'll be sitting on the beach with my idol and my boyfriend.
So my Monday totally sucked... I woke up 4 times throughout the night before, I was hit on the forehead really hard at band class with my friend's trombone case, I got a big ass bump from it, I had to walk around with an ice pack, I had to go to my little sister's stupid basketball game, then I had to let my dogs outside and wait for them to finish outside, I had math homework, and I got super dizzy from getting hit on the forehead. 3 days later, my head still hurts, but the bump went down. But yeah, Mondays suck sometimes...

My Enemy, Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now