Chapter 21

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Emma's P.O.V
I didn't bother pulling away, so Hayes just pulled me closer to him. We were like this until my phone started ringing.
"I swear that damn phone call better be important, because I wasn't done," Hayes smirks. I just smiled and rolled my eyes.
"Emma? It's Sarah!" A girl squealed.
"Oh! Hey, what's up?" I asked.
"I was wondering if you, Hayes, and Nash wanted to come to my sister's party tonight. She told me that I could invite a few people, and she loves Nash," Sarah informed us.
"Yeah, but can my sister, Callie come too? She loves parties," I wondered.
"Yeah! How old is she?"
"She's about to turn 17," I told Sarah.
"No way! So is mine!"
"They'll probably get along. They both love Nash, they're the same age, and my sister gets along with pretty much everyone. Hold on, it's Sunday! We have school tomorrow," I groaned.
"No, we have the day off tomorrow, remember?"
"Oh yeah, you're right," I giggled.
"Anyways," She started. "We live at 3532 Applebottom Court, and the party starts at 5! See you guys there!" She hung up, and I immediately threw the phone on the bed, grabbed Hayes' shoulder, and pushed him against the wall behind him.
"What the hell are you doing?" He laughed.
"This." I put my right hand on the wall, and kissed Hayes passionately. He put his hands on my lower back, and mine was on his upper back. I immediately let his tongue in, and it roamed around. Hayes' kisses were different than other guy's kisses. The other guys always took control, but with Hayes, it's a combonation. We had been making out for nearly 5 minutes when my phone rang again. It was an unknown number.
"I swear, if that goddamn phone rings again, I'm throwing it out the fucking window," Hayes managed to say in between breaths.
"I know right.," I breathed. "Hello?" I was too lazy to hold the phone up to my ear, so I put it on speaker.
"Bitch, you deserve to die. You are such a slut. I can't believe Hayes would date a fatass like you. Even with 100 pounds of makeup on, you're still ugly as fuck," A girl told me.
"Hell no, I will go kick your pathetic ass right now if you don't stop talking about the girl I love like that!" Hayes yelled.
"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know the gay man-whore was with you!"
"You can suck it," I growled right before I hung up.
"What the fuck was that?" I cried.
"I don't know, but I need to cut a bitch," Hayes informed me.
"No, let's just go tell our older siblings," I suggested. Hayes and I ran down the stairs, and told Nash and Callie everything that was said to us.
"Next time they call, give the phone to me. Nobody messes with my little sister, especially that little bitch."
It was currently 4:15, and I decided to change into my party clothes.
"Hayes," I whined. "I don't know what to wear!"
"Here, I'll help you," Hayes offered. We rummaged through all of my clothes, and finally saw a tight pink crop top with a black skater skirt and black flats.
"You look fucking hot," Hayes admitted after I changed.
"Thanks, you look good too. So I've never been to a highschool party," I confessed.
"Neither have I."
"Holy shit! Oh my god, I have dance tonight! We had to remodel it, so we had a couple months off of dance, but it starts again tonight!" I whispered.
"What time does it start?" Hayes wondered.
"5:00 PM-12:00 AM."
"Damn, how much do ya'll dance?"
"Tap, ballet, jazz, hip hop, point, gymnastics, and modern," I answered like it was nothing.
"Let's just skip the party, then I can watch you dance," Hayes said excitedly. It was probably because I wear a sports bra and skin tight booty shorts at each rehearsal.
"No, we should go to the party."
"No, you're going to dance for the next 7 hours, now hurry up and change!" He demanded.
"Fine," I groaned. I changed into my dance outfit, grabbed my bag, and had Callie drive me to the studio. We walked in there, and every girl had a sports bra and booty shorts on. First, gymnastics. I began stretching in really awkward positions, until I caught Hayes staring at my ass.
"Hayes!" I laughed.
"Sorry!" He apologized. I went down into my splits, and just had a conversation with him like it was no problem. This will be fun.

My Enemy, Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now