Chapter 29

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Emma's P.O.V
After breakfast, the boys gave me their phone numbers, and went back into their rooms. They were so nice, and they were even funnier.
"How long are we staying here? We're missing school for this, so I wanna know how much makeup work we'll have," I said to Hayes after we went into our room.
"5 days," He answered.
"Oh. Can we do something today? It's our first day here and all, so we should do something, right?"
"There's an amusment park down the street! Wanna go there?" He asked me.
"I love amusment parks! Their workers are this nation's backbone," I laughed. (A/N: If you got this, I love you😂)
"I brought the pennyboards. I'll go get them," Hayes said.
"Hold on, I need to put makeup on. I look like I just rose from the dead," I sighed.
"Emma, you look amazing," Hayes assured me as he walked up to the elevator, and left me in the lobby. But I decided to go and apply makeup anyways, so I followed him up there.
"I bet the bitches from school are jealous," I giggled as we rode up to the amusement park.
"I hope they are. All they ever do is make school suck more than it already does, and they deserve to feel jealous."
"Yeah," I agreed. We got to the park, and throw our boards in the bushes where nobody will find them. We started walking up to the place where Hayes could purchase our wristbands, when his phone started ringing.
"Emma, can you answer my phone for me? It's Callie."
"Yeah, sure!" He walked away, and I answered the call. "Hayes' phone!" I said cheerfully.
"Emma, what the hell are you doing on your boyfriend's phone?" She wondered.
"Doesn't matter. What's up?"
"Nothing much. Can you just tell Nash to stop calling me? He's been calling me nonstop, and I'm trying to hangout with Gabe!" She whined.
"Ok! Is that all?" I asked her.
"Yep! Bye!" She hung up the phone as Hayes walked back with wristbands. I noticed his lockscreen. It was a picture of him and Caroline, and another of him and Megan.
"Apparently Nash has been calling her all day," I informed him.
"Oh, I'll tell him to be a man, and get over it."
"They were beautiful," I mumbled as we walked throught the entrance.
"Who was beautiful?" Hayes wondered.
"Caroline and Megan. They were amazing people."
"Oh. Yeah." There was a long silence. "I need to go to the bathroom." We walked over to the bathrooms, and went our separate ways. I was washing my hands, when the big sister called.
"Emma's phone!" I laughed into the phone.
"Seriously! He needs to stop calling me! Gabe left because of it!"
"We were going to in a few minutes. Can I go now?" I asked.
"Uh no, there's something that I was supposed to tell you." Her voice sounded shaky.
"What happened?" Now my voice sounded shaky.
"Mom and Dad are coming home," She announced.
"That's great! I haven't seen them since October!" I nearly yelled as I fixed my hair in the bathroom.
"That's not all. We're moving to St. Louis, Missouri."

My Enemy, Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now