Chapter 33

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I opened the door, only to find Kayla tied to a chair, and a trashed room. I walked into the bathroom, and Bri was tied to a chair. Finally, I looked in the shower, and there was Emily, tied to a chair. Each of them had ducktape on their mouths, and they were panicking. I ran over to Bri, and ripped the ducktape off her mouth, while Mahogany ripped off Emily's ducktape. Bri ran over to Kayla, and did the same, while Mahogany and I stood by the door.
"We can't tell you. She'll literally kill us. I'm sorry. But she also told us that YOU WERE MOVING!" Kayla spoke up.
"Oh, yeah. I found out when Callie called. I'm moving to St. Louis after this trip," I mumbled.
"What?" Mahogany looked shocked. "So when I go visit the boys, you won't be there?"
"Sorry," I apologized. "Only Hayes and Nash know. I really wanna stay, but I have to go. I'll go get some plastic bags to clean this up." I walked out of the room, and bumped into someone, causing a hot liquid to spill on me.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" A boy told me.
"Damn it. Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I sighed as my eyes trailed up his body to see a boy who looked about 15 staring right back at me. He was really cute, and he looked nice.
"I'm Ethan," He randomly stated.
"I'm Emma."
"You know, it's been awhile since the last time I had a conversation with someone without them recognizing me," He chuckled.
"And why is that?" I wondered.
"Because my brother and I make vines. We're the Dolan brothers," He informed me.
"I've heard of you guys! People tell me that you're hilarious! I'm Hayes' gir-" I started. "Sorry, I meant to say ex girlfriend. We're kinda broken up for the time being. Um, I would really love to stay and chat but my friends from back home just surprised me, and I need to get a new shirt really quick, so I'm not late for my meet and greet with the boys."
"Oh, yeah. Sorry," He chuckled. I started running to my room when I heard his voice again. "Oh, and Emma?" I turned back around to face him. "I'll see you there. I'm gonna be late too if I don't hurry." I could've sworn that he winked right after that. I turned back around, and slowly walked back to the room.
"What took you so long?! Wait, where are the bags?" Emily asked me.
"I ran into someone, and their stupid drink spilled on me. Ugh I need to change," I groaned as I grabbed a white crop top with fringes at the bottom, and pink shorts. I walked out 5 minutes later, and Mahogany was the only one in there.
"Here, I have something that would look s'cute with that." She handed me a headband with fuzzy ears, and it was identical to her's.
"Aww Mahogany! Thank you for letting me use these!" I exclaimed.
"It's your first meet and greet! Of course you can use these!" She replied. I slipped them onto my head, and she led me back downstairs.
"I drank your Starbucks. Oopsie?" Nash announced.
"Whatever," I scoffed. "Oh shit, it's 11:25! We need to go." Everyone piled into the van, and I shut the door behind us. We were there in about 10 minutes, and there were girls lined up along the entire street. They tried to sign as many autographs as possible, but we were already late, so I pushed them inside.
"Oh my god, Celia! It's Emma Grey!" A girl squealed. I turned around to fave her, and she had long, blonde hair, and tan skin. Her eyes were an emerald color, and her teeth were super white. And her outfit was on fleek. The girl standing with her had long, auburn hair, and also had tan skin. Her eyes were blue, and her teeth were super white too. They both looked about 18 years old.
"Hi!" I smiled. They were next in line, so they walked up to me soon after that. "What are your names?"
"I'm Andrea, and this is Celia!" She answered.
"It's really nice to meet you guys! How old are you guys?" I wondered.
"19," Celia replied. Ehhh I was close.
"Have you met the boys yet?" I asked them.
"No, our parents think that the boys are a waste of time, and that there was no point in meeting them, because they'll forget us 5 minutes later."
"They never forget a fan," I shot back. "Here, I'll let you meet them after this is over. We're gonna go to the beach! Wanna come?"
"Are you serious?!" They nearly yelled. I nodded. "Sure!" They ran off, and I met about 20 other boys and girls, most of them excited to see me. But there was 1 girl who stuck out to me. Her face was caked with makeup, and half of her hair wasn't even her's.
"You don't deserve Hayes. I bet you've already fucked half of the other guys. I hate you so much, I made an Instagram account called 'Emma Grey Should Die!' It already has over 15,000 followers! Looks like not everyone likes you!"
I know, this chapter sucks butt😑But ayeee tomorrow is Friday! The girl in the picture is what Andrea looks like. The next chapter will have a picture of Celia, bc they'll be important😉And I PUT ETHAN AND GRAYSON IN THE STORY BC THEY ARE S'CUTE TBH😍Eww I have a history test tomorrow😭so I made a really crappy edit on my IG profile, but if you like it and comment 'blue eyes' on it, I'll give everyone a follow and a spam! I love you guys!😘
IG: @_tay_bug_7890_

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