Chapter 19

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Emma's P.O.V
"Hayes?" I laughed. He turned around to face me. Since Pink and Victoria's Secret were conjoined, I was standing in Victoria's Secret, and he was standing in Pink. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I walked over to Pink.
"I was gonna get you something, but while you're here, would you mind telling me what you want from this place?" He wondered.
"Aww that's so sweet! You don't have to buy me anything! But I really like those sweatpants over there." I pointed to a pair of maroon colored sweatpants that say 'Pink' on the side in black letters. He picked out my size, and he bought it for me. "Thanks," I whispered to him.
"No problem! So what are you doing here anyways?" We walked out of the store holding hands. Luckily, the mall wasn't busy, so we didn't really have to worry about fans. Today was Sunday.
"I wanted to kill some time before I had to meet you at the park, so someone got the idea to go to the mall! We can leave if you want," I suggested. "I told Bri that I'd stay for a few days, but everyone is going home today, we're not fighting anymore, and Lacey is done."
"Yeah, we should leave early and meet them again later," Hayes agreed.
"Ok I'll go tell them!" I walked over to the rest of the group. Of course, they were in the food court.
Hayes' P.O.V
I'm not letting her go this time. She walked over to Bri and her friends. I still feel kinda bad for dumping her the way I did. It was when we were 13. I'd been going out with her for almost 7 months, when I just woke up one morning with no more feelings. Then, I did the classic 'Poof you're single!' thing over text message. That was almost 2 years ago. It's a little awkward being around her, but I try to not let it bug me. Emma came back, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"They're fine with us leaving," She informed me. I took her hand, and started walking with her.
Emma's P.O.V
Hayes and I walked to the park across the street, and when we got there, we immediately ran to the swings. It was actually pretty warm for mid-January. I pushed him, and he pushed me, then we just sat there for a while, talking and laughing. I never noticed how funny he was. I mean, I never really watched his vines, I watched Nash's.
"So Hayes," I started. "I haven't told Callie and Nash, because it would be hilarious if we surprised them," I said.
"Yeah, that would be funny. Let's do it!" He yelled.
"Ok, they have this date planned for 12:00 at the movies. They're going to see Mockingjay, so what if we casually 'show up' and sit a few rows in front of them?" I came up with this idea on my own, and I really liked it.
"Aww I was gonna ask you out on that date!" Hayes whined.
"You were gonna ask me out on a date?" I've never been on a real date.
"Yeah," He mumbled.
"Sorry," I mumbled back.
"But I'm still gonna ask you out. So, Emma Nicole Grey, will you go out on a date with me?" He wondered.
"Yes, Benjamin Hayes Grier, I'd love to go on a date with you," I replied. He smiled at me, and gave me a kiss.
"I love you," He said.
"Not as much as I love you," I said back. I looked at Hayes' watch, and it was already 11:40. Had an hour already passed? "It's 11:40, we should get going," I pointed out.
"Oh, yeah let's go. Piggyback ride?" He asked me.
"Hell no, I'm not carrying you," I laughed.
"No shit, do you want me to carry you?" He asked me again.
"Ohhhh," I giggled. "Yeah!" I hopped onto his back, and he carried me back to the mall where the movie was playing. "Thank you!"
"You're welcome. Shall we go?" He pointed to the ticket booth thing.
"Yes we shall!" I skipped over to the booth thing, where Hayes bought our tickets.
"Oh my god, are you Hayes Grier and Emma Grey?" A fan asked. She had hazel eyes, kinda tall, and looked about 13.
"Yeah." Hayes smiled.
"Can I have a picture with both of you guys?" She begged.
"Really? Me too?" I was surprised. No fangirl has ever asked me this before.
"Yeah, of course! You are so cool!" She almost yelled.
"What's your name?" Hayes wondered.
"Sarah, hand me your phone," I commanded. She handed me her phone, we took a few selfies, then I put my number in her phone. "Text me sometime!"
"Oh my god, really?!" She looked happy.
"Yeah, you seem super nice! Do you go to school here?"
"Yeah, I'm in 7th grade. But I have a question. Are you guys back together?" Sarah looked at Hayes, whose arm was around my waist.
"Yeah," Hayes answered.
"Thank the holy lord! You guys are literally all I would talk about! I mean, you're a super cute couple! If he can't be with me, I'm glad he's with you," She mumbled.
Sarah's P.O.V
Oh. My. God. I'm meeting Hayes Grier and Emma Grey! Holy crap, all I did was go to a movie! I'm a huge fan of the boys, and Hayes and Shawn are my favorites. They're adorable.
"Excuse us for just a minute," Emma said. Her and Hayes went over to near the bathrooms, and talked for a minute. They were going back and fourth about something. Soon enough, they came back and Hayes looked me straight in the eyes, and kissed me. I've kissed only a couple guys, but it was always from playing Spin the Bottle. This was real.
"What was that for?" I asked.
"Because you didn't completely freak out when you saw us, you're really nice, and you gave Emma some attention too. Nobody has ever fangirled over her, until now. Thank you." With that, he left and walked into the theater.
Emma's P.O.V
I told Hayes to kiss Sarah. I don't know why, but I'm fine if it only happens once. He wrapped his arm back around my waist, and we went into the movie theater.
"There's Callie and Nash in the back row. Let's sit a few rows in front of them," I whispered.
"Ok," He agreed. We walked up to the row that we were sitting in, and just before we sat down, a voice called out my name.
"Emma?" Callie wondered.
"Hey Callie!" I turned around and waved at her.
"What are you guys doing in the same room?" Nash asked us.
"What, I can't go on a date with my beautiful girlfriend?"
"What? Oh hell no. This is not happening," Callie laughed. "Are you fucking serious?!" We nodded our heads.
"Prove it," Nash said. Hayes and I looked at eachother, smiled, and kissed for about 30 seconds. "Holy shit, it's happening!"
"Hayma!" They yelled in unsion.
"When did this happen?" Callie still looked shocked.
"2:30 AM this morning, I ran to Brianna's house in the rain, kissed Emma, and asked her out," Hayes explained.
"So that's why you weren't at home this morning!"
"Yeah, now shut up! The movie is starting!" Hayes whispered to Nash.
Sorry it's been taking forever for me to write these last few chapters! I've been so busy with other things, that Wattpad had to wait for a couple days

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