Chapter 3 - Forgotten Memories

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Erik's P.O.V

The excitement was bubbling all around my pack. The arrival of my only child and mate was in 2 short days. I sat at my desk in my rather empty office. I never saw the point of decorating it after my father handed the title of Alpha to me. I held the latest photo of her in my hands. She had just turned 16, for whatever reason Freya had not sent me any other photos after this. 2 years can certainly change a person. Staring down at Sera I could only see her mother except for her silver hair, which was all mine. Pride willed in my heart. Although I could not be there as she grew, I would finally get to have her in my life. I glanced at the red-headed girl hugging my daughter with bile at the back of my throat. Her sister. The shock I had received all those years ago when I opened that fateful letter from Freya advising me she had a second child. I couldn't believe my mate had been with someone else, the pain and anguish I held were even now, overwhelming.

"You deserved it, she left because of you"

Kaelb growled inside my mind, my wolf was right of course but it did not help my heart. I placed the photo on my desk with the small collection I had accumulated over the years. I wondered what Sera would be like, I hoped she would be as kind as her mother. I felt a smile start thinking about both her and Freya before linking to my beta Rodrik.

"Rodrik, has the expansion on the packhouse been completed yet?"

"Yes Alpha"

I had asked Rodrik to do rounds on all of the wolves within the pack, showing photos of Freya, Sera, and the girl Emma notifying them of who they were. It would have been easier and quicker to just explain through the pack link however it showed more respect to do it in person. I liked to run my pack with a sense of mutual respect and kindness. Unlike my father. He previously had run this pack with an iron fist. Fear was his greatest gift, did not matter if it was his Luna or his own child. Come to think of it my mother was just as cruel. I allowed her to stay here within pack territory after my father's passing but had not visited her in 8 years. I shook my head trying to rid the memories that wanted to come back, I would not allow myself to wallow in the past.

"It's done, but maybe we will get another chance. Mate can't be upset forever"

Kaelb responded to my thoughts, my heart beat a little faster with hope.

"The only reason we could not have her as Luna was your father and he is no longer Alpha"

He rationalized letting me think about her, A goddess among men. I let the first time I saw her wash over me;

I saw her standing out the front of the packhouse back when I was just a boy, no more than 19. Her scent hit me first, a mix of fresh rain and honey. Kaelb took control of my body and forced me to her, growling mate. Her stunning dark blue eyes lit up in wonder as her full pink lips smirked:

"You're going to have to catch me, first sir".

I had not realized I had said mate out loud, as she darted backwards and ran into the forest giggling. Her raven black hair licking the tree branches as she went. I felt thankful that my mate must have been a werewolf. My father was what you would call a purist and would accept no less as my mate. I chased her, waiting for her to turn into her wolf but she didn't. Kaelb loved the chase regardless and was excited that our mate seemed to love it too. I caught up to her as we reached the lake that separated our pack territory from Crystal Falls the next pack over. I tackled her to the ground growling possessively as she continued to giggle.


I started to kiss slowly over her face, wanting to savor each touch of her soft supple skin. Her scent causing a euphoria of joy and need. She stiffened under me, looking into my eyes reflecting the same emotions.

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