Chapter 2 - Frustration

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Sera's P.O.V

I paced my bedroom. My anger would not settle. How could mother expect me to meet that monster that was supposed to be my father? I growled at myself gripping my silver hair between my hands. The second thing I had inherited from him. I hated it. I hated what he had done to my mother, what he had done to me. Emma did not know yet what I was thanks to him and I still was not sure if I wanted to tell her my secret. Mother had encouraged me to, many times. Growing up when my anger had erupted I would run from the house scared she would find out I wasn't normal. One of my biggest fears was that she would find out I was a werewolf. I had wanted a little sister to share in my life for so long, but she wasn't like me. After mother had explained she had lost her mother and father to a monster of some kind I really didn't want the fear that awoke her some nights to be directed at me. I cursed my father again anger bubbling in my stomach. I had not had my first change yet, I knew mother would be pushing me to meet good old' dad simply as she did not know what I was going through. I mean she had books, but according to them I should have met my wolf and had the first change by my 16th birthday. Part of me did want to experience it, to find out why I had not changed yet. What my wolf would be like but could I even look at this man without wanting to tear his throat? Mother had loved him so much, with every ounce of her heart. She had told me that he was her 'mate'. A word meaning a soul mate, someone you were destined to be with for the rest of your days. When I was 12 I had questioned her about him more, and what had happened. She had told me that he was the most handsome man she had ever met, he had pure silver hair kept short. He had reddish-brown eyes and had an arrogant aura around him although he was nothing but sweet to her in the beginning. The way she spoke about the first few years she has spent with him sounded like a dreamy fairy tale. I have asked her what happened for them to split for as a child I had assumed he had died. Mother's face contorted to pain and sadness before she ushered me away, a secret she did not want me to know. That was before Emma and I had found those letters from him, apologizing for cheating, for harming someone close to her, and for having to disavow her as a mate and hurting her. How could someone that claimed to be a soul mate hurt their partner at all let alone like this? Mother had told me upon confronting her with these letters that she did not know she was pregnant with me at the time of getting those letters. She, of course, told him once she knew but would not tell me why he was absent all my life.

A timid knock on my door broke my thoughts. Thinking it was our mother I opened the door quickly ready to give her a piece of my mind. But I was greeted by Emma's surprised eyes. They were red and puffy like she had been crying. My anger immediately ceased as I looked over her with concern.

"What happened EmEm?"

She opened her mouth to speak but tears started falling down her cheeks again. I brought her in for a tight bear hug and stroked her hair. Once she had control of her tears I released my grip as she pulled out a photo.

"This is them, SeSe."

I saw a woman that looked just like Emma and an unknown man, the realization came over me.

"Oh, EmEm she's beautiful, just like you! She must have been a Queen!"

I gave my sister a small smile and she giggled before sighing.

"Am I a bad person?"

"What do you mean EmEm? You have never been bad, I'm always the bad one"

I kept my tone jokingly trying to soothe her but I knew what she meant. She had never really spoken about her birth parents ever.

"No, I mean"

She breathed deeply before continuing.

"I never even gave much thought to my birth parents, I just kind of forgot about them"

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