Chapter 5 - Strangers

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Sera's P.O.V

We had been driving for what felt like forever. I had never spent so long in a car before and I was getting frustrated without being able to stretch out my legs. Emma was staring out the window in wonder as we passed towns, houses, and shops. I had forgotten she had never left our beautiful little cabin and small town. Part of me felt a slight pang of guilt for her knowing I should have asked if she enjoyed being there as she never seemed to fit with the lifestyle. Maybe she would have been happier in a town, Glen cleared his throat looking back at me. He seemed to have been able to read my thoughts.

"Hey what do you, girls think about stopping soon so we can stretch our legs?"

Emma nodded excitedly as mother responded

"Why don't we stop at that little park we went to last time? They had a little café with delicious cakes"

"Yeah, it's been a while but I'm pretty sure they are still there"

Glen looked between me and Emma as we both nodded in agreement. I looked back out my side window, watching the buildings growing taller and closer together as we passed. Nerves started to fill me at the idea of being in a city. I hadn't spoken much in the car. Preferring to be left to my own thoughts as I half-listened to Emma's excited questions and stories from mother and Glen. To be honest, I was happy for both mother and Emma, they seemed so happy right now that I really did not want to lower the mood. If I was to be honest with them I really wanted to just go home. My hatred at that man, the guilt of keeping a big part of myself hidden from Emma. My fear at what would happen if I did not go through with this was all-consuming. I was almost 18 though, my birthday was in a month and I really hoped that was enough time to figure out what was wrong with me. Although I don't think death would be too bad, part of me wondered if it would be peaceful. I wondered what my father would be like. I knew he was an Alpha of the Diamond Lake pack and from what I had learned over the years I knew they were vicious and cruel leaders. However part of me could not see mother falling for anyone that was not gentle and kind, even with a mystical 'mate' link. What if he was disappointed in me? I mean I had not yet met my wolf let alone turned, what a disappointment for an Alpha to have a child that is almost fully grown and yet more human than wolf.


Emma's voice broke my thoughts, glancing towards her I could see the concern in her eyes.

"Sorry, I was off with the fairies"

I tried to joke but my voice came out hoarse like I was holding back tears. I sighed and noticed both mother and Glen had left the now parked car and were walking towards what must have been the café she had mentioned.

"I'm okay, I promise. Let's go EmEm"

I smiled at her reassuringly before following mother and Glen. The park we had stopped at was beautiful, thick luscious trees stood around the oval softening the sounds of zipping cars on the highway. The grass was a dark green against the brown picnic tables scattered about reminding me of home. In the middle of these sat a small brick building that could have been mistaken for a bathroom but was the café in question. There was no signage showing what the building was, giving it an almost secret vibe. However, the number of people scattered holding cups would beg to differ. Emma and I were silent behind Glen and mother, glancing at the different people we passed I was almost terrified. To be honest I don't think either of us had been around so many strangers, even when we would make trips into town with our mother. There were always less than 10 people at any given location and we knew everyone by name. I guess that is what they mean by a small town. My heart panged with longing remembering my small town and our home we had left. Glancing at Emma she looked euphoric with the number of people around. I was slightly jealous of her reaction, she didn't seem to be nervous at all.

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