Chapter 9 - Mates

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Sera's P.O.V

I sat on the edge of the hotel's pool watching the sunset letting my tears fall freely. It hurt a lot to see Emma's reaction but I knew deep down that was the way it would always end up going down. Part of me felt relieved that the secret was finally out, but the pain was overwhelming. I sighed closing my eyes praying to the Goddess for Emma's forgiveness, hopeful that she would come around.

"Well hello gorgeous"

A voice as thick as honey called out causing my heart to flutter, it took me a moment to place where I heard him before. I stiffened with realization, my body screamed to run again but a part of me longed to look at him. That part won. Turning slowly I gulped as I looked at the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He stood at the entrance of the pool, a cocky smirk lingering on his perfect supple lips. He had slight stubble etched onto his chin, causing an urge for me to touch it. I looked past his strong perfect nose to meet amber-colored eyes, I gasped as I felt my insides explode into butterflies getting trapped in his hungry gaze. He winked before opening the gate and began walking towards me. His body was lean but you could see hidden muscles underneath the fabric of his shirt. He stood next to me still smirking with his eyebrow raised

"You like what you see?"

Arrogance seeped off him, I scowled at this seemingly perfect being. He knew he was hot and I hated that. I hated people who were consumed by their looks.


I scoffed trying to fight back against the urge to stare some more. I looked back at the dwindling sunset praying he would leave. He scoffed in turn before sitting next to me. I trembled thinking about how good it would feel to brush my hand against his leg, or through his dark hair. Stealing a glance I could see in the remaining light his hair was black but not like mothers, his held purplish hues like obsidian. I bit my lip trying to fight these weird feelings that kept making me want to both run away from him and leap into his arms when his eyes met mine. I flinched and looked away, feeling my cheeks go bright red from the embarrassment of getting caught. His deep rumbly laugh made my heartache as I felt a pleasantly hot hand grab mine.


He whispered leaning in closer to me, did I hear him right I thought confused. Turning to ask he quickly pressed his lips to mine, a hunger I had never felt before surged through my body. I moaned as I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him in tighter wanting nothing more than for him to touch me all over. He thrust his tongue into my mouth as I bit his lip playfully. We kissed for a while until my head returned from the clouds he had created. I pushed him away, regret and embarrassment filling me.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

My voice came out harsh as anger boiled inside me again, part of me felt guilty and part of me felt smug as he showed a pained expression. I assumed that this act he was pulling had never been rejected.

"Look, I don't even know you dude, what gives you the right to touch me without even knowing me?"

I ranted at him, trying to fight the urge to kiss him again. To hold his face between mine and get lost in those eyes.

"You do this to all the girls huh? Just because you are good-looking you think that will get you into anyone's pants?"

I scoffed and stood before crossing my arms, not trusting myself to act out of turn. He looked up at me surprised and confused. I guess he wasn't expecting me to withstand his charm.

"What? You just going to stare at me or are you going to be a man and apologize?"

I waited for his response as he blinked and before I knew it started laughing at me. 'Wow,' I thought 'what a cocky prick'. Furious I huffed and walked back towards the gate but before I could make my escape I felt his hand on my arm. For a brief moment, I enjoyed his touch it was soothing and yet exciting.

"You are not leaving without me, you are mine."

He was being very possessive, I felt my eyes narrow as rage was building inside me. How dare a stranger claim me? What did he think I was? I shook off his arm and continued walking until he stepped in front of me, hands raised and concern in his eyes.

"Wait, are you human?"

His voice was soft and confused, I scowled at him refusing to answer. Who the hell does this man think he is?

"What does it matter? Let me guess you are a wolf?"

I asked realization happening way too slow for my liking. Was I dumb? I knew that coming this close to my father's home would mean the potential for running into more of his kind. I honestly thought I would just know when I saw them. He looked like a regular human, I mean more like a model but still. I guess I was expecting like a wolf's pretending to be human? That sounded silly even in my own head.

"Oh, well miss I'm sorry for being so forward."

He smirked at me again, my heart leaped in joy which pissed me off. I thought about the kiss we had just shared and bit my lip wondering if it would be just as good the second time... I shook the thought from my brain what the hell is wrong with me? I don't even know his name or anything about him? I scowled at myself and looked back to him, his eyes were black and he looked mad? No, frustrated?

"Do I appease you?"

He smirked again as I watched his eyes slowly go back to amber. Weird.


He chuckled rolling his eyes

"Do you like what you see?"

He raised his hands and twirled around, I glanced trying to portray dis-interest but I was taken aback at his butt. It looked muscular and hard perfect to spank.... No, no, no! I screamed at myself focusing on my anger, how dare this man... do this to me? I was in control. He stopped a wide grin formed on his face, if I didn't know any better I would say he knew exactly what I was thinking. I inhaled deeply from my nose trying to focus on getting this hunk away from me. Or having him pick me up and drag me a way to do what he wanted with my body. I noticed a peculiar bulge forming on his jeans... horrified I gasped and turned bright red looking back up to his joyful eyes,

"I know you like what you see"

He supported that stupid handsome smirk still and I couldn't take it anymore. I kissed him, hard. Why? Why was my body moving against me? Why was he so... intoxicating? More. I heard a small growl from somewhere as I snaked my hands around his hips, taking a chance to feel his tight arse. 'Mine' I heard a low growl so quiet I wasn't sure I heard it right. It was soft and gentle like a Buddhist bell.


Weird I thought that was the sound of my mother's voice, his hot breath against the skin of my nose was soothing. This kiss made the world fall away. I felt like nothing else was real, it was just me and him.


I was yanked backward, I howled in pain a part of me screaming to go back for more to touch this stranger. He growled as my mother turned me to face her


I had never seen my mother so furious and her anger woke mine back up, I thought back to that handsome stranger behind me. Rage and embarrassment emitted from me as I turned to see him smirking again, his eyes black,

"Don't, ever, touch, me, again"

I snarled at him. He winked and chuckled back

"You kissed me, angel, seems to me that you wanted more too"

He wiggled his eyebrows as more embarrassment hit me hard. I walked straight past him out of the gate, my fuming mother following behind

"I'll see you tomorrow sweetness,"

"Like hell you are"

I spat back. Part of me felt guilty at my hostility but that part was easy to push away. I would make sure that he would never be around me again, weird that I felt a wave of utter dread and sadness thinking about never seeing him again. I shook my head trying to clear the handsome jerk stranger from my mind so I could deal with my mother's rage. But my mind would not let me, I kept thinking back to him. The kiss, the way his body felt against mine... the way he smelled... that cocky grin... What was this magic spell he had put me under? Maybe my mother knew, that was why she was so mad.  

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