Chapter 11 - Danger

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Freya's P.O.V

"What on Earth were you thinking young lady?"

My voice was cold and stern staring at Sera. She sat on the hotel bed glaring at the ground, ignoring me. I could see Emma was glancing between us, her expression worried.

"Are you being stupid? You don't even know who he is!"

I glared at my eldest with my hands on my hips pausing to let her say something. Anything. Furiously she did not move an inch. Emma raised her eyebrow before uttering softly,

"He? What happened?"

"Nothing happened... I just ...."

Sera's voice was soft, embarrassed with a touch of anger.

"You just what? You just stopped thinking? You have no idea who that boy was or what he wanted with you! How can I trust that you will be okay if you're just going to throw yourself on any 'hot' boy that comes your way?"

Sera clenched her hands at my words as Emma also looked at the ground. I could not believe Sera would do this, again. The last time I caught her with a boy was last year and that did not end well at all. I tried to recall his name for a moment, Stan?

"This wasn't like last time"

Sera was trying to keep a calm tone but I could hear her regret and embarrassment. I sighed before running my hands through my hair. I shouldn't be so hard on her, yes she is almost an adult but she had to understand this world I was introducing her to was not safe. There were lots of people like Stan who would take advantage of her, especially if they knew her heritages from both myself and her father. I had to make sure she understood that some secrets need to be kept. That no one is 100% trustworthy. But how? How can I make her understand?

"I'm sorry... I really am mum"

I looked at Sera, tears had begun to brim in her eyes. I sat next to her and took a calming breath.

"I know, I just worry Sera"

I let my worries rush over me as I looked at my oldest baby. She was so close to 18, the mark of an adult. But. She really had no clue what this world would be, at that moment I regretted everything. Leaving her father, stopping them from having a relationship, keeping her and Emma isolated. It was all for their safety, but what had I done to them in the long run? I looked over at Emma, still looking at the ground. Our sweet, innocent Emma. She was 16 and yet acted like she was much younger. That was my fault, I babied her. I babied both of them. Frustrated, a groan came out of me. Causing them both to look at me with fear they were in trouble. It was cute and normally would have made me laugh but I needed to make things right. I glanced at the clock against the wall seeing it was 9 pm, tonight was going to be a long night. No more hiding the truth of this world they were about to be introduced to. I needed to make them understand the dangers ahead.

"Girls, we need to talk. There is a lot of rules and unknowns we are going to face, we will need to be prepared"

My voice echoed not only my fear but the seriousness of it all. Both of my girls nodded and waited. I closed my eyes trying to find the best place to start before remembering the books I had packed with us. I hastily grabbed some history books out ready to read them to my daughters. Starting with the first one, the night of blood.

Much of the history of both witches and fay have been lost since the Night of Blood. Our people have heard many stories of the bloodthirsty tale from members of both vampire covens and werewolf packs. We have written a concise version here of all the information gathered in hopes an event like this would never happen again.

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